Over 300 new Salus University students attended Orientation week that consisted of introductions, welcomes and lectures for each program as well as a multi-day student resource fair. On Monday, a group of new students braved the humid summer weather and explored Philadelphia with fellow Salus Ambassadors to learn more about the city they will get to know during their time here. New students also had the chance to socialize with current students and alumni at the Emerging Professional Initiative Committee (EPIC) Trivia Night held on Tuesday with well over 100 people in attendance. Students were quickly making new friends with roommates and others throughout the various programs.
Orientation week wrapped up with the University’s White Coat ceremony on Friday, August 17, at the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts in Philadelphia.
The audience was filled with proud relatives, friends, faculty, staff and some alumni as they watched their loved ones receive the white coat - a symbol of the transition from student to professionals-in-training. Recipients from all of the University’s clinical programs, including Optometry, Audiology, Physician Assistant Studies, Occupational Therapy, and Speech-Language Pathology take part in the ceremony each year. Once in their new white coats, the students recite their Oath to Professionalism which also symbolizes a step in their professional journey. The same oath will be taken again once the students graduate and commence their post-graduate educational experiences.
At the onset of the ceremony, Dr. Michael H. Mittelman, president of Salus University, delivered a message to the incoming students with an emphasis on working hard, respecting one another, and taking the opportunity to re-invent themselves as they become healthcare professionals. “You will leave here with a degree that will allow you to do things that you’ve dreamed about,” he said. He also reminded them that being a healthcare provider isn’t a right, but a privilege, and with that privilege comes responsibility. His speech wrapped up with, “You worked really hard to get here, now you’re going to have to work harder. Enjoy your weekend, because on Monday, you’re going to hit it,” he said. The crowd erupted in laughter, because they understood what lies ahead on their next journey.