Toland Classroom Dedicated
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Toland Classroom Dedicated

toland classroom dedication

On October 19 the Toland Classroom at The Eye Institute (TEI) was dedicated to Joseph Toland, OD '54, MD. Last year a group of PCO alumni, spearheaded by Dr. Susan Oleszewski ’76, decided to honor the man who was instrumental in allowing TEI optometrists to practice therapeutic optometry at a time when Pennsylvania didn't have therapeutics for optometrists. They organized a donor campaign and surprised Dr. Toland with the announcement of their intent at the annual Joseph P. Toland Excellence in Education event in May.

At a reception following the dedication, Dr. Mittelman and Dr. Oleszewski spoke of their former teacher and his influence on their lives. After her remarks Dr. Oleszewski invited the TEI faculty, staff and campaign donors in attendance to share their stories about Dr. Toland and the remembrances were always affectionate and often humorous. Dr. and Mrs. Toland and their family were in attendance.  

Addendum: A few days after the dedication, Dr. Susan Oleszewski emailed the following message to the Salus community:

“. . . (Last month) the University had the distinct pleasure of dedicating the TEI classroom as the Joseph C. Toland Classroom.  The amazing tributes and stories from the audience that day about the impact that Dr. Toland had, and the warm, from the heart comments were truly a gift to those of us who were there.  The roasting, reminiscing, and reflections represented a wonderfully important chapter in our institution’s history with Dr. Toland as the protagonist… During the reception I asked Joe if I could have a copy of his speech, as I thought that many who did not come to the event would welcome the  opportunity to read it.  He said that his scribbles would be an obstacle to reading his copy, but he promised to send a fresh copy. For those who know or who have worked with Dr. Toland, I know you will be able to hear his voice while he offers his thanks and gratitude to so many.” Read Dr. Toland's speech (PDF).

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