About Our Research
Fundamental research is currently being conducted in a range of areas that span Audiology, Optometry, and Vision Impairment. Salus at Drexel University researchers are published in such prestigious journals as Neuron, Nature, The Journal of Neuroscience and The Journal of Biochemistry.
Support for research projects at the University comes from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Eye Institute (NEI), which is part of NIH, and other foundations, such as the Pennsylvania Lions Sight Conservation and Eye Research Foundation and the Pennsylvania Lions Hearing Research Foundation.
To support faculty and student efforts to conduct research and other scholarly activity by creating an environment that promotes a culture of excellence in research designed to improve health and reduce illness and disability.
To become a university in the health sciences and education consistently producing research of global recognition.
Research is an integral part of the University’s mission and there are both fundamental and intrinsic benefits to a strong research program at Salus at Drexel University.
Recruiting New Subjects for Clinical Trials- Enhances the education experience for students in all programs at the University. In an environment with active research, students receive instruction from the faculty who “write the books” and create the scientific knowledge the students acquire. Students have opportunities to see up close how this new knowledge and science is created by participating in these experiences as research/lab assistants.
- Provides a sense of pride in our programs and ourselves and enhances the reputation of the University. When a researcher/scholar at Salus at Drexel University presents research results in journals and conferences that attracts national or international recognition, the University, the faculty, staff and students also benefit from that recognition.
- Leads to discoveries about diagnosis and treatment that directly improve the care of patients seeking healthcare in our clinical programs, as well as nationally and internationally.
- Enables us to attract and maintain strong faculty.
- Can provide significant extramural funding income that can be used to fund small pilot grants for investigators leading to more competitive grant applications, and to help fund research infrastructure needs.
- Creates public relations opportunities that enhance the reputation of the University and attract the brightest students to our academic programs.
- A university with a strong research program establishes a stimulating environment in which scholars and teachers are searching for truth, and creating a spirit of discovery.
- The search for truth, the development of knowledge, and the growing of a research environment are valuable in themselves, independently of the significant pay-offs produced by a strong research program.