The College of Health Sciences, Education and Rehabilitation Speech-Language Pathology Program accepts applications to the Master of Science program only through the Communication Science and Disorders Centralized Application Service (CSDCAS).
The processing of applications by CSDCAS ( begins July, one year prior to the year of desired enrollment. Applications must be submitted on or before March 31 of the year of desired enrollment.
- Student application reviews begin when an application is verified by CSDCAS.
- Interviews are scheduled and initiated, as soon as October.
- Candidates meeting the requirements are admitted on a weekly basis until class capacity is reached.
See a profile of the most recent Entering Class (PDF)
It is to an applicant’s advantage to apply as early as possible to ensure priority consideration for admission.
The College of Health Sciences, Education and Rehabilitation actively seeks individuals with an undergraduate degree and diverse life experiences who desire to become speech-language pathologists.
To be considered, an applicant must:
- Submit a properly completed application to the Communication Science and Disorders Centralized Application Service (CSDCAS). Detailed instructions regarding the completion of the application and personal statement are provided on the CSDCAS website.
- Complete a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited undergraduate college or university. It is recommended that an applicant must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 grade scale from his/her graduating institution. Students with less than a 3.0 GPA should consult with the Salus University Office of Admissions prior to applying.
- Submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended (or currently attending) directly to CSDCAS.
- Complete admissions prerequisites (see section below) at the college level at an accredited institution(s). No more than two prerequisite courses will be accepted with a minimum grade of 'C.' All other prerequisites must have a grade of 'B-' or better.
- Obtain a minimum of 25 hours of directed clinical observation of a certified speech-language pathologist (CCC-SLP).
- A blend of live, in-person as well as recorded observation is accepted.
- A minimum of two (2) different SLP settings are highly recommended.
- Observations may be performed as a volunteer and/or via employment in a non-speech-language pathology capacity.
- Submit three letters of recommendation; letters must be written by persons with authority (e.g., professor, work supervisor, academic or club advisor, research lab supervisor, coach) who know you well enough to speak to your work ethic and professionalism, and can assess your qualifications for graduate education, ability to complete graduate work, and qualifications for entering a health profession career. Arrange for required letters of recommendation to be sent directly to CSDCAS.
- Arrange for required letters of recommendation to be sent directly to CSDCAS.
- International Students, please review any additional requirements in the drop down section below.
- All credentials submitted on behalf of an applicant become a part of that applicant’s file with the University and cannot be returned.
- Students will be required to meet University compliance requirements upon matriculation.
Recommended read: - The ASHA Leader - January, 2014 Article - Craft a Stand-Out Application
The following prerequisites are based on the latest accreditation standards set forth by the CAA (last revised April 2019) and the standards of Salus University. Please visit the ASHA website for more information.
All required course work must be completed at the college level at an accredited institution(s). No more than two prerequisite courses will be accepted with a minimum grade of 'C.' All other prerequisites must have a grade of 'B-' or better.
An applicant need not have completed all prerequisites prior to filing an application, but must be able to complete all outstanding prerequisites prior to enrollment.
Credit by examination (such as AP credits) is permitted for any prerequisites needed to apply for the speech-language pathology program. No credit is given for experiential learning.
The applicant must have successfully completed one semester of each of the following courses:
- Biological Science (e.g., biology, human anatomy and physiology, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, human genetics, veterinary science) – 1 semester
- Physical Science (e.g., physics or chemistry) – 1 semester
- Social/Behavioral Science (psychology, sociology, anthropology or public health) – 1 semester
- Statistics (math, biology or psychology) – 1 semester
- Introduction to Communication Disorders – 1 semester
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism – 1 semester
- Phonetics – 1 semester
- Speech and Hearing Science – 1 semester
- Introduction to Audiology – 1 semester
- Speech-Language Development – 1 semester
Please note: Courses in the biological, physical, and the social/behavioral sciences should include content areas that will assist students in acquiring the basic principles in social, cultural, cognitive, behavioral, physical, physiological, and anatomical areas useful to understanding the communication/linguistic sciences and disorders.
The University highly encourages - but does not require - additional coursework in Neurology of Communication Sciences (Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology), Voice, Fluency, Diagnostics, Treatment Considerations, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Articulation and Phonological Disorders, and Language Disorders.
Prerequisite credits completed five or more years prior to the anticipated entrance date will be reviewed for approval on an individual basis.
For applicants who have attended foreign and French-Canadian schools, please provide the Office of Admissions with the following information:
- A course-by-course credential review from a NACES recognized agency which evidences all post-secondary studies completed. Please consult agency’s web site for requirements to complete the evaluation.
- Recommended agencies include:
- An official evaluation may be sent from the agency directly to CSDCAS.
Fluency in written and spoken English is essential for success in a Salus University academic program as well as to help ensure patient/client/student safety and/or effective communication with members of a healthcare or education team.
Official results from the TOEFL iBT, TOEFL Essentials, IELTS or Duolingo examination are required of all non-native English speakers. One of these approved exams must be taken within two years prior to the start date of the entering class to which an applicant seeks admission.
- If submitting TOEFL iBT scores, please use the CSDCAS code of C112.
- If submitting an approved alternate English proficiency exam, please send scores directly to Salus University, Office of Admissions.
While we recommend that applicants submit TOEFL iBT, TOEFL Essentials, IELTS or Duolingo, exceptions will be considered for foreign applicants who meet one of the following criteria*:
- successfully completed a degree or diploma held from an accredited, post-secondary institution where the coursework was entirely in English, and provide evidence that it was conducted in English; or
- successfully completed, and provide evidence of, an approved English language learner’s program
*Note: All exemption materials and other appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and subject to the admission committee’s final discretion. Should any exceptions not be accepted toward the English language requirement, the Office of Admissions will inform the applicant of an alternative to fulfill it.
The Admissions Committee has established policies that include the selection of applicants best qualified to serve the public and the profession in the years to come. Many factors are considered in selecting students for our program, including:
- academic performance
- motivation
- extracurricular activities and interests
- related and unrelated work experience
- personal achievements
- essay
- letters of evaluation
- communication skills, including a demonstrated command of the English language, both written and oral
When evaluating academic performance, the applicant’s grade point average, performance in prerequisite and CSD/Hearing Science courses, number of college credits completed, and degree status are taken into consideration.
Admissions Selection Process - Speech-Language Pathology Program
Interview Process
Individuals successfully meeting the required admissions selection criteria may receive an invitation to visit our campus for an interview. This meeting provides further insight into the applicant’s character and motivation, and allows an applicant the opportunity to discuss their application with an Admissions staff member, tour the campus and meet with faculty and students.
Notification of Acceptance and Matriculation Fee
An applicant may be notified of his or her acceptance as early as October, prior to the desired year of enrollment. Upon receipt of acceptance, an applicant is required to pay a $1,000 matriculation fee to the University prior to the start of classes. The process for securing a seat in the entering class is as follows:
- Return the matriculation form to indicate your intention to enter the program.
- A $1000 matriculation fee is due no later than April 15.
- If accepted after April 15, the offer of acceptance will detail payment requirements.
- All monies received are non-refundable and will be applied toward first term fees.
Students will be required to meet University compliance requirements upon matriculation.
Deferment of Admission
An accepted student to the Salus University Speech-Language Pathology program with an unforeseen, extenuating circumstance prohibiting them from matriculating may request a deferment of admission in writing. The request must be directed to both the Dean of Student Affairs and the SLP Program Director, and made via the Office of Admissions.
For deferment consideration, the following is required:
- A deferment request submitted in writing by May 15, before the August start of the academic year. Please note, submission of a deferral request by the deadline does not guarantee approval.
- Official documentation verifying the reason(s) for the requested deferment.
- All non-refundable deposit fees and the matriculation supplement must be received (as directed in the University’s official Letter of Acceptance.)
If deferment is approved:
- Admission will be extended to August matriculation of the next academic year.
- A deferment will not extend beyond one admission cycle.
- The student must contact the Office of Admissions, in writing, by April 1st of the deferred admission calendar year regarding his/her intention to resume enrollment.
- The student will be required to meet with a member of the Admissions Committee prior to matriculation.
If a deferral request is denied:
- A student has the option to withdraw acceptance from the Program, or reapply through CSDCAS for future admission.
For questions regarding this policy, please contact the Office of Admissions at
Compliance Requirements
Students may be required to complete various compliance requirements (i.e. background checks or immunizations) in order to participate in clinical experiences and interact with patients at Salus-owned clinics. Please contact the Office of Student Affairs for the most up-to-date requirements for a specific program.
Policies and Procedures
Enrolled students who withdraw or are dismissed from the University will be responsible for the payment of tuition in accordance with the institutional refund schedule.
The following Essential Functions (EFs) are consistent with the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association didactic and clinical skill performance guidelines expected of or implied for graduate level speech-language pathology students and professionals.
Students enrolled in Master of Science degree program in speech-language pathology within the College of Health Sciences, Education and Rehabilitation at Salus University are expected to either demonstrate many of these essential functions prior to enrollment, or acquire these EFs by the end of their program of study.
More specifically, the essential functions represent the communication, physical, behavioral/social and cognitive/intellectual skills needed to achieve the knowledge, skills and levels of competency stipulated for graduation from the M.S. Degree Program by the faculty within the Department of Speech-Language Pathology. The EFs are expected traits and characteristics to be exhibited by students enrolled in the M.S. Degree graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology. Many of these traits are identified in educational and credentialing standards established by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (CAA) the Council for Clinical Certification (CFCC) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; and the Council on Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD).
Here is what the EFs mean for either students seeking admissions to our graduate program in speech-language pathology or who are currently enrolled in the program.
- Students admitted to the SLP M.S. Degree program must demonstrate the abilities and skills listed below.
- The abilities are required for admission and/or must be developed and maintained throughout the two-year course of study as a student progresses through the M.S. Degree program in speech-language pathology.
- In the event that, during training, a student is unable or refuses to acquire and demonstrate these essential functions, with or without reasonable accommodations, then the student may be asked to leave or be dismissed from the program.
A. Communication Abilities/General:
- Speak intelligibly and articulately, exhibiting no non-dialectical mispronunciations of English speech sounds (phonemes) nor acquired second languages (i.e. Spanish);
- Hear sufficiently at a level that includes high and low frequency speech sounds of English;
- Possess demonstrated reading comprehension and speed at a level sufficient to accomplish curricular requirements and provide timely and efficient clinical care for patients/clients;
- Complete appropriate medical records, documentation and plans according to protocol in a thorough and timely manner;
- Write legibly and cohesively with minimal to no grammatical/spelling errors while providing a logical sequence of information (i.e., introduction/topic sentence, body of content, conclusion, recommendations, SOAP notations);
- Communicate and interact effectively with people in person, by phone, and in writing by considering the communication needs and cultural values of the listener(s) (e.g., client, family member, professional health colleague). Adapt to the language, speech and nonverbal interactions of the patients/clients and family members accordingly or use an interpreter/translator to do so.
B. Physical Abilities:
- Participate in professional responsibilities/activities for up to four-hour blocks of time with one or two breaks;
- Move independently to, from, and in clinics and work settings;
- Provide for one's own personal hygiene;
- Manipulate screening/diagnostic materials, including completion of screening/evaluation protocols;
- Effectively implement a treatment plan that is appropriate for the client, including use and manipulation of materials/instrumentation and printed or computerized data collection;
- Provide a safe environment for others in responding quickly to emergency situations including fire, choking, unconsciousness etc., and in the application of universal precautions;
- Engage in education, training, certification and re-certification of Basic Resuscitation and Cardiac skills (including appropriate use of defibrillators) for infant, pediatric and adult clients based on American Heart/Red Cross standards;
- Monitor client responses to diagnostic and treatment materials and quickly manipulate or alter the use of materials based on client responses (i.e., effective vs. ineffective treatment outcome);
- Make accurate judgments about speech and/or acoustic signals using perceptual and objective (clinical equipment) data and accurately interpreting data obtained;
- Drive, transport, engage in a car pool and/or use public transportation (bus, rail train) to assure classroom, on-campus clinic and externship clinical sites attendance that is timely and consistent. Proof of a legal driver’s license, self-auto insurance and reliable, safe transportation is required for speech-language pathology students who drive;
- Maneuver patients who rely on wheel chairs, walking canes and general support (e.g., walking arm-in-arm or arm-to-waist with client) to transport client to/from waiting area and clinic treatment room;
- Squat, sit down on pediatric furniture and/or sit on the floor with pediatric clients;
- Demonstrate finger/hand dexterity to handle writing instruments, eating/feeding utensils, small and large play objects, iPods, and associated computer applications.
C. Behavioral and Social Attributes:
- Maintain emotional and mental health required for use of intellectual abilities, prompt completion of responsibilities, and development of appropriate relationships with faculty, clinical supervisors (on-campus and external site supervisors) clients, SLP student colleagues and interprofessional, intercollaborative student and professional team members;
- Maintain composure and emotional stability in demanding or challenging situations;
- Exhibit flexibility and adaptation to changing environments and situations;
- Fully honor and engage in cultural competency development through exposure to a variety of school and medical clinical placement settings and learn about the history of various traditionally recognized and newer cultural groups gaining recognition in the U.S. that reflect the pluralistic society of Philadelphia, the state of Pennsylvania and the nation at large. Additionally continuously self-assess perceptions of the role of the speech-language pathologist as a culturally competent global citizen;
- Understand and respect faculty and clinical supervisory authority. Maintain a ‘teachable spirit’ that is respectful of those in leadership positions at the Department, College, University and External Clinical Site levels;
- Maintain appropriate professional behavior, including punctuality, appropriate professional dress attire, regular attendance and adherence to timelines for report submissions, lesson planning and preparation, portfolio documentation, and the timely preparation of clinical session materials prior to client arriving for these sessions;
- Demonstrate compassion, integrity, interest, and motivation when delivering professional services to other individuals;
- Familiarize ones’ self and abide by the ASHA code of ethics and scopes of practice when delivering clinical service as a student and future professional in speech-language pathology.
D. Intellectual Abilities:
- Demonstrate the mental capacity to read, listen to, learn, assimilate and use didactic and clinical information, including the ability to read and comprehend professional literature and reports;
- Solve clinical problems through critical analysis and evidence-based practice;
- Seek relevant case information, synthesize, and apply concepts and information from various sources and disciplines;
- Write discipline-specific papers and clinical reports using spelling, phonetics, grammar (syntax) and content (semantics) characteristics of Standard English;
- Speak American English intelligibly, relative to personal dialect, including the ability to model all English phonemes in isolation, phrases, sentences and conversational contents;
- Demonstrate ability to depict when speech-language-swallowing patterns of clients are disordered requiring further assessment and intervention;
- Analyze, synthesize, and interpret ideas and concepts in academic and diagnostic/treatment settings;
- Maintain attention and concentration for sufficient time to complete didactic and clinical activities for up to 4-hour blocks of time with one or two breaks;
- Schedule and prioritize activities, and provide documentation in a timely manner;
- Comply with administrative, legal, ethical, and regulatory policies set forth by the Department of Speech-Language Pathology, the College of Education and Rehabilitation, Salus University, the state of Pennsylvania and other states across the U.S. as a future SLP practitioner;
- Read, become familiar with and abide by the Code of Ethics and Scopes of Practice set forth by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association as a student and future speech-language pathology practitioner.
For Non-Degree Seeking Student Status
Non-degree student status is appropriate for the applicant who may desire to take one or more of the courses offered in the Speech-Language Pathology program, but is not enrolling in the full Master of Science degree.