SLP Program Receives Accreditation
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SLP Program Receives Accreditation

salus board roomDr. Michael Mittelman, president of Salus University, announced today that the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) awarded candidacy to the University’s Master of Science degree program in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) for a period of five years beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2020. The CAA determined that the program demonstrated sufficient compliance with the Standards for Accreditation, as outlined in the Standards Compliance Continuum. "This represents a good deal of work and is a great accomplishment for the University's College of Education and Rehabilitation and the Department of Speech-Language Pathology," Dr. Mittelman said. 

The Salus SLP program will be listed as achieving accreditation candidate status and will be included in all lists of candidate programs by the CAA. Award of candidacy allows the University to matriculate students into the program as it continues to document compliance with accreditation standards for the duration of the candidacy accreditation cycle. The inaugural cohort of SLP students will arrive on campus for orientation on August 17.

CAA visit group photo
Front (L-R): Dr. Audrey Smith, CER Dean; Shelly Grinde, CAA Site Team; Dr. John Bernthal, CAA Site Team Chair & Academic Member; Dr. Gail Kempster, CAA Site Team Academic Member, President Michael Mittelman. Back (L-R): Robert Serianni, SLP Clinical Director/Educator; Dr. Carolyn Mayo, SLP Program Chair; Dr. SallyAnn Giess, former SLP Assistant Professor. 
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