Blindness and Low Vision Studies Summer Orientation
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Blindness and Low Vision Studies Summer Orientation

Salus University BLVS Orientation - Ice Cream Social

Last week, Salus University College of Education and Rehabilitation, Department of Blindness and Low Vision Studies (BLVS) hosted 15 incoming students for their on-campus summer orientation – a total of 60 are enrolled in the Department’s programs this summer. These students are pursuing studies either in Low Vision Rehabilitation (LVR), Orientation and Mobility (O&M), Education for Teachers of Children with Visual and Multiple Disabilities (TVI) or Vision Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT).

faculty member with studentThe Summer Orientation acts as an opportunity for students to meet each other, become familiar with program requirements and expectations, and get to know key faculty members within the program. “Summer orientation for the BLVS program is designed to reinforce the feeling of togetherness and belonging within the University,” said Dr. Fabiana Perla, director of the O&M program and chair of the Department of Blindness and Low Vision Studies. “This gives students the chance to learn more about the Salus community and opportunities the program can offer,” she said. The weeklong orientation began with a welcome presentation by various University departments, and was followed by an ice cream social hosted by Student Council. Various classes and group sessions are being held throughout the summer semester providing hands-on learning experiences in skills such as traveling with vision loss in numerous environments, learning Braille, assessing and instructing in the use of optical devices, and performing activities of daily living, such as eating at a restaurant. In the initial group session, students were asked why they decided to attend Salus, and according to the incoming class, the University’s BLVS program comes highly recommended by both recent graduates and professionals in the field.

Over the course of the program, students learn the skills necessary to educate and provide exceptional care to individuals living with blindness and low vision. With a small faculty ratio (three to one in some courses), faculty members connect with each student on an unparalleled level. Through a combination of theory, hands-on instruction and in-depth field work, students learn best practices in their field, while cultivating empathy and understanding for the needs of individuals with visual impairments, ultimately preparing them to become highly qualified professionals in a very specialized field.

Learn more about our BLVS programs

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