Medal Monday: The Hon. Kenneth B. Lee, LLB, LLD
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Medal Monday: The Hon. Kenneth B. Lee, LLB, LLD

President’s Medal Recipients

Kenneth B LeeMany people have been part of the proud history of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) and Salus University.  Alumni, faculty, and friends of the College helped establish PCO as a pioneer and leader in the field of optometric education and the profession of optometry. The following people - highlighted on Medal Mondays - were honored on May 20, 1995 at the 75th Anniversary Gala Celebration for their outstanding contributions to the College and the field of optometry and vision care.

At the Centennial Gala Celebration on April 27, 2019, additional alumni, faculty, and friends will be honored.  

The Hon. Kenneth B. Lee, LLB, LLD (Hon.) ‘89
(1922 - 2010)

As Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Hon. Lee increased the Pennsylvania College of Optometry’s (PCO) level of recognition and helped            the College receive increased financial assistance through the state appropriations process.

Beginning in 1957 Hon. Lee served 18 years in the state House from the 111th District. He served as a House speaker in 1967-68 and 1973-74, majority leader in 1964 and minority leader in 1965-66 and 1971-72.

Hon. Kenneth Lee - President Medal Dr. LewisHe was on the College Board of Trustees from 1973 to 1979, and served as chairman from September 1978 to January 1979. Because of his long-time support of the College, he received PCO’s Distinguished Service Award in 1983.

A B-24 pilot in World War II stationed in Italy, he graduated from Mansfield University and Dickinson School of Law.

He practiced law for 35 years and, following his retirement from the Legislature, remained active in civic affairs.

Hon. Lee was a board member for a number of organizations, including the First National Bank of Dushore, Dushore Lions Club, and the Kettle Creek Fish and Game Club.  In addition to the College’s Board of Trustees, he also served on the Board of Trustees of Mansfield University and the Muncy Valley Hospital.

Hon. Lee died on December 23, 2010. 

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