Fun Fact Friday: 1990s
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Fun Fact Friday: 1990s

  • class-of-1995-pic2In 1990, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) became the first school of optometry to conduct research and training using an excimer laser.

  • In 1994, PCO became the first optometric institution to serve as a clinical trial site for a disease-oriented study from the National Eye Institute

  • The Class of 1994 was the first class to utilize the Glaucoma Service at The Eye Institute, providing specialty care to glaucoma patients through the use of the latest screening and technology.

  • For many students graduating in the ‘90s, Atlantic City was a popular mini-vacation spot for weekend getaways with classmates. It was mentioned in several PCO yearbooks from the ‘90s. 

  • The Green Parrot Tavern and Lee’s Hoagie House were also popular “necessities” and establishments to frequent after classes and exams of PCO students in the ‘90s. Lee’s Hoagies were said to be the best in Philly!

  • In 1995, PCO celebrated 75 years of Optometric Excellence. Much like the Centennial Gala and celebrations we just hosted, 75 years was a huge accomplishment for the College and the Class of 1995 was beyond proud to represent a College with a long-standing history and future of leading optometric education.

  • In the Summer of 1998, PCO celebrated the opening of the Elkins Park campus where it is still housed today. With this expansion, PCO continued its goal of providing students with better classroom and clinical settings.

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