Meet Your Student Ambassadors – Part 1
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Meet Your Student Ambassadors – Part 1

Collage of student ambassadors' headshots

Salus University now has 17 students representing various academic programs who serve as student ambassadors at University events both on campus and in the community.

Chosen after an application process that includes essay questions and interviews with constituencies across the University, several of the new Salus ambassadors served in similar roles at their undergraduate institutions. The students selected have community service experience and a strong desire to represent the University. Since the program’s inception, Salus student ambassadors have participated in the fall commencement, Looking Out for Kids (LOFK) charity fundraiser and Admissions events. 

Meet the student ambassadors representing what our Salus community is all about in the first of a three-part series.

​Ojaswita Bastola, Optometry, Class of 2023
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​Headshot of Ojaswita BastolaHey there! I’m Ojaswita, but most people call me Oj. I’m a Jersey girl who recently moved to Pennsylvania to pursue my Doctor of Optometry degree at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) at Salus! 

I graduated from Rutgers University-New Brunswick in New Jersey with my degree in Biological Sciences. My experience at Salus so far has been nothing short of challenging, rewarding and full of potential. The community at Salus is impeccable. Everyone truly is so sweet and is always willing to help each other. There is very much a community feel here and that’s what drew me to attend this as my choice of optometry school in the first place. 

I wanted to hone my community service skills and become a student leader at Salus by joining the community to help other students feel as comfortable as I do here. The constant clinical practice and early clinical exposure has been the best part of Salus for me thus far. Since the pandemic started, Salus immediately made modifications that has made my educational experience continuous and everything I still hoped it would be during my time here. I am excited to continue my journey as an optometry student in clinic at The Eye Institute (TEI) and reach my highest potential as an optometrist through PCO/Salus.

James Brand, Audiology, Class of 2022
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Headshot of Jimmy BrandMy name is Jimmy Brand, and I am a third-year Doctor of Audiology student. I received my bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences and co-curricular designation in diversity and inclusion from Western Michigan University in 2017 (Go Broncos!). I have the pleasure of serving as an ambassador. I also serve as the Student Member of the Board of Trustees, affectionately referred to as the SMOTBOT. I represent the student body on the board, as well as in committee. Additionally, I serve on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. I have found Salus University to be a beautiful and welcoming new home. 

I am proud to represent an institution of higher education that strives toward an inclusive culture and culture of clinical excellence. I enjoy sharing my experiences and unique perspectives with community members, and I am excited to continue to do so.

Meagan Canales, Audiology, Class of 2023
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Meagan CanalesHi everyone! My name is Meagan Canales and I am currently a first-year Doctor of Audiology student in the three-year accelerated program. I am from Rio Grande City, Texas, and I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 2020 with a B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders. HOOK ‘EM! During my undergraduate career I was the director of administration for the Gateway Mentor Program, a leader for the Latinx Health Professions Organization, and a member of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA). Being a part of the student community at UT helped me realize that I wanted to continue being involved as a student leader at Salus University. I also serve as the Executive Secretary on the Student Council Executive Board!

Moving across the country to pursue my Doctorate of Audiology has been extremely exciting and rewarding. Gaining clinical experience during my first year is an opportunity that not many students get in other programs. Salus always strives to help students and wants to see success amongst all cohorts. Inclusivity and diversity are some great attributes that Salus holds, and no one student should feel alone at this school. Professors help push and encourage their students to become the best clinicians they can be. As a Salus Ambassador, I am extremely excited to meet new faces and proudly represent my school. I am eager to continue my journey as an audiology student and I look forward to becoming an audiologist in the future!

Vivian Cao, Optometry, Class of 2024
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headshot of Vivian CaoHello everyone! My name is Vivian Cao. I am a first-year Doctor of Optometry student at PCO/Salus. I was born and raised in Vietnam. I started my education in the U.S. as a high school student. I am from California. I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences with a Minor in Communication from the University of California, Davis.

There are many reasons that make me want to be part of the “Salus Strong” family. Personally, I believe that moving far away from home is a wonderful opportunity for me to grow to my full potential. An appealing component about the optometry program at PCO/Salus is that I will gain early exposure to clinical experience. Thus, this was an important factor in my decision to move to Philadelphia to earn my OD degree. The love for community service has brought me to where I am today, training to become a resourceful future healthcare provider to my community. I am grateful for the opportunity in becoming a Salus Ambassador. It allows me to give back to the community as well as gain leadership skills. I am looking forward to working with other Salus Ambassadors. When I am free, my favorite activities are sightseeing and meeting new people.

Brenna Childers, Optometry, Class of 2023
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Headshot of Brenna ChildersHi everyone! My name is Brenna Childers and I’m currently a second-year Doctor of Optometry student. I am from a small town called South Point, Ohio and received my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Wright State University (RAIDER UP!) in Dayton, Ohio. 

The major factor that influenced my decision to attend Salus University was the early clinical experience. As early as the second week of school, I was observing and learning from second- and third-year students in the clinic at TEI. Being able to learn concepts or procedures in lecture and days later see it applied in clinic is the dynamic and integrated learning experience I was wanting from a school. Salus also has a wonderful community with one main goal: to help students succeed. Whether it is faculty, staff, or even other students, everyone is supporting and helping students become the best doctors they can be. For these reasons and many more, I am proud to attend Salus, which is why I chose to represent the University by being an ambassador.

Perla Delgado, Optometry, Class of 2023
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Headshot of Perla DelgadoHello! My name is Perla Delgado and I am currently a second-year Doctor of Optometry student at PCO/Salus. I am from El Paso, Texas, and received my bachelor's degree in biology from The University of Texas at Austin (Hook'em Horns!). 

Moving far from home was a tough decision but in my short time here the close-knit community at Salus has made me feel right at home. Everyone from the students to the faculty are very approachable and they all strive to see their students succeed. 

As someone who learns with constant practice, I found Salus was the right choice for me for its early clinical exposure. During my time here I've been able to observe and practice clinical skills way more than I could ever imagine. At the same time, having the opportunity to learn with and about students in other health professions has been very eye opening to the healthcare system as a whole. 

I'm very excited to be a part of the Salus community and represent the school as an ambassador. I hope to contribute to the community in any way I can and welcome new and prospective students with the same care I was.