Virtual Holiday Party Brings Cheer to Faculty, Staff
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Virtual Holiday Party Brings Cheer to Faculty, Staff

Screenshot of virtual holiday party guestsThe annual holiday party at Salus University is a time to celebrate the year’s work and those who make it all happen daily. This year’s virtual holiday party, hosted Dec. 16 by the Office of Human Resources, came complete with a live DJ, event host, games and raffle prizes, creating a party atmosphere for Salus employees and their families to enjoy.

Blending in-person and virtual worlds together, when attendees logged in to the COVID-friendly interactive live event, it quickly became clear that it was not the average virtual holiday celebration. 

Screenshot of virtual holiday party DJ ZekeGuests were greeted with music by DJ Zeke who introduced the evening’s host Paul Gee who then explained the rules of the forthcoming virtual game night. Smiles and laughter earned participants the most bonus points, and with 16 gift cards and prizes given away during the hour-and-a-half event, joy filled the University’s Zoom room. Prizes included $25, $50, $75 and $100 gift cards provided by Metz Café, Matthews Bookstore and American Heritage Credit Union and an iRobot Roomba, a Nespresso Machine and a set of Apple AirPods were among the many gifts faculty and staff were able to win throughout the event.

Another holiday tradition at the University organized by the Human Resources department usually celebrated in conjunction with the holiday party, the Length of Service Awards, was also recently recognized virtually.

“I always ask myself the question, ‘Why do students come here? Why do people like to work here?’ And it's because of those who are here,” said Salus President Dr. Michael H. Mittelman in a video announcing the awardees. “You make this a very special place. So, today, we'd like to recognize those folks.”

Length of Service Award recipients included:

35 years: Ruby Singleton, Dr. Connie Chronister and Dr. Holly Myers

30 years: Dr. Jim Caldwell, Glenn Roedel and Lisa Lonie

25 years: Aliceanne Manning, Hughie Jenkins, Pamela Hunter, Virginia Scott and Willistine Jackson

20 years: Stephanie Heaton and Dr. Jamie Neiman

15 years: Cheryl Keslar, Dr. Melissa Trego, Donald Ricketts, Harry Hubbard, Francis Hettich and Jaime Schulang

10 years: Jamie Maffit, Wakim Pearson, Lornix Williams, Dr. Melissa Vitek, Christopher Speece, Ryan Hollister, Theresa Hayes and Damian Ostrowski

Five years: Regina Ward, LaVonda Jenkins, Marjorie Singer, La’Wanda Chavous, Karen Slavin, Dr. Dan Pavlik, Rachel Ditoro, Dexter Keel, Brian Zuckerman, Kenny Newton, Jeanne-Marie Pennington, Dr. Lindsay Bondurant, Natalie Standig, Anne Ruckdeschel, Dr. Darryl Horn, Emily Vasile, Jacquelyn Catalini, Katelyn Marciante, Christina Welsh, Allison Levitt and Adam Moore 


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