Recently, we had several of our students take over our @salusuniversity social media accounts and while doing so, they conducted Q and A’s with prospective students and the general public. And, what better way to find out about the nuances of a program than students who are knee-deep in it studying, performing clinical exams, etc. Below is a little bit more information about the University's Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology programs here at Salus.
Osborne College of Audiology (OCA)
Question: How do you stay on top of classes, clinics and labs?
Answer: To-do lists, calendars, and spreadsheets - lots of them!
College of Health Sciences, Education and Rehabilitation (CHER): Speech-Language Pathology
Question: What is a goal you set for yourself in your program by the end of your first year?
Answer: Being able to self-reflect and see how the therapy plans that I am coming up with run, how my clients react to them, and how my clinical educators provide feedback for me. I just want to take this as a learning process, be a sponge and absorb it all.
Question: How have therapy sessions been going with having to wear a mask?
Answer: Personally, I haven’t been having any problems with it. My clients specifically are not targeting articulation right now, so I think if I was doing that I probably would wear the clear mask (there’s clear masks supplied in the Speech-Language Institute – the program’s on-site clinic - that you can see your mouth) or there’s also face shields. I also feel extremely grateful to be able to have therapy sessions in person, so if that means wearing a mask or wearing a different type of mask to accommodate my client, I’m all for it.