ICYMI: Fall 2022
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ICYMI: Fall 2022

TEI resident practicing surgical suturesSuture Self: The Eye Institute (TEI) Residency Class participated in a minor surgical procedures workshop hosted by Alissa Coyne, OD ‘10, MS, FAAO, FASOSPennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) assistant professor, at the start of the fall semester.  

Communications and Science Disorders (CSD) Open House: The second Communications and Science Disorders (CSD) Open House of the year was hosted on October 1.  Prospective Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) and Doctor of Audiology students had the opportunity to visit the Elkins Park, Pennsylvania campus, speak with faculty, and get more information about their desired program. 

PPC & CLC CooperVision MiSight and CRT/Ortho-K Lens Workshop: On November 10, the Private Practice Club and Contact Lens Club held a MiSight and CRT/Ortho-K Lens workshop hosted by CooperVision. The workshop included a lecture from a CooperVision representative, an interactive workshop in the optometric Clinical Skills Lab, as well as dinner. 

CPPD Mindfulness Series: The Center of Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) and Jana Walker, MSW, hosted a six-week mindfulness series over Zoom focused on the following topics: mindful eating, mindfulness in nature/grounding, coloring, sharing mindfulness practices to build our toolkits, breathwork and meditation. 

Students/staff/faculty who participated in the Walk For Apraxia standing together outside smiling for a photoWalk for Apraxia: The University’s SLP department participated in a virtual fundraiser in September for Childhood Apraxia of Speech. 

Dyslexia In a Day Event: On November 5, Yvonne D’Uva Howard, MS, CCC-SLP, PhD ‘22, hosted a hands-on workshop focusing on language-based learning disorders (e.g. dyslexia) and the everyday impact on reading, writing and processing. Participants engaged in four simulations to gain a better understanding of and empathy for those children and adults who struggle with dyslexia and related language-based differences. Dyslexia for a Day, a simulation of dyslexia was created by the Dyslexia Training Institute.

Lunch & Learn with Kovin Naidoo: The Department of International and Continuing Education (DICE) hosted a Lunch & Learn with the University’s 2022 Lighthouse Award winner and Presidential Medal of Honor recipient, Kovin Naidoo, BSc, BOptom, MPH, OD ‘95, PhD, DHL (Hon), about “How Health Professionals Can Change Our World By Altering the Trajectory of Health Care Deficits and Support the Scaling Up of Services Globally.”

The Lunch & Learn series provided an inter-professional opportunity for Salus faculty, administrators, staff and students to share information, strengthen clinical knowledge and develop our community network. 

Melissa Trego giving a presentation to prospective students at the PCO Open HouseDoctor of Optometry Open House: PCO/Salus students visited the Elkins Park, Pennsylvania campus to learn more about the renowned Doctor of Optometry program. Students participated in program overviews, a campus and lab tour along with lab demonstrations, admissions tips, a student and faculty panel and a tour of TEI, the program’s clinical facility.

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