‘EyeBall 2023’ Corrects Last Year’s COVID Cancellation
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‘EyeBall 2023’ Corrects Last Year’s COVID Cancellation

optometry students at EyeBall

Last year’s “EyeBall” – the annual celebration for third-year students of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) at Salus University before they fan out across the country for their clinical externships – fell victim to COVID-19 and was unfortunately canceled.

But the Class of 2024 made up for it. For the event this year, which attracted approximately 200 attendees and was held recently at the Arts Ballroom in Philadelphia, members from the Class of 2024 invited the Class of 2023 to attend, to make up for last year’s cancellation.

Eyeball23 four students peace signThe head of this year’s EyeBall committee, Ariella Erin Poon ‘24OD started planning the event in July 2022. She had her very first meeting to discuss possible venues the following month. The rest of the committee came up with the color scheme/theme, decorations, and provided some input on the venue and catering details. 

“I enjoyed working with my committee; I felt like a mom who gave my kids $300 to buy whatever they want,” said Poon. “I felt content when I saw their faces light up as they began putting together ideas of table centerpieces, lighting, and putting together posters and ticket designs.”  

Poon added that the committee was happy to provide PCO/Salus students with a fun night in Philadelphia and a well-deserved break from exams and classes, especially for the fourth-year students who missed last year’s event due to COVID.

a group of students at the photo booth at the Eyeball


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