Young Alumni: Jonathan Zobek, MEd ‘22
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Young Alumni: Jonathan Zobek, MEd ‘22

jonathan-zobeck in BLVS lab

A question and answer session with one of our young alumni, Jonathan Zobek.

Q: Why did you want to pursue a career in teaching students with visual impairments? 

A: I wanted to be a part of the Blindness and Low Vision Studies (BLVS) programs because when I became visually impaired myself in high school, my teachers gave me the skills, tools, and confidence needed for success in college and beyond. And, I want to do the same for other blind and visually impaired students in the future. 

Q: Why did you choose Salus? 

A: I chose Salus because when reaching out to different graduate schools, the people I reached out to at Salus and in all of their programs were very warm, inviting, and encouraging and really wanted me to come. I didn't get the same vibes from other schools. Also, the program at Salus was designed to be online at the start, which means it wouldn't be affected too much during my first semester because of the pandemic. 

Q: What have you discovered about your subject area as a grad student that you wish you knew as an undergrad student? 

A: The one thing I wish I knew as an undergrad student is how important it is to have an undergraduate degree. But in undergrad, I kind of wish I would've majored in education or at least taken more education-related classes. 

Q: What do you feel is unique about your program at Salus? 

A: The thing I found the most unique was the professors. They're all amazing. Everyone I had was willing to help, they were all open, and accessible and they really just wanted you to do your best. 

Q: What was your favorite class? 

A: I have to say clinical and functional implications of visual impairment. I learned a lot about the eye and the implications of different diseases and it's definitely good knowledge to prepare me for the future.

Q: Did you have any eureka moments in the classroom or clinic? 

A: One semester, during my low vision assessment and intervention, one class went on the first set of lecture slides, and the professor distinguished between functional vision and visual functions. Essentially saying how what's recorded in an eye doctor's office can or cannot, in the real world, be related to how someone uses their vision.

Q: What advice would you offer a peer who might be struggling in a specific subject or class? 

A: Reach out to your professors. They're very willing to help. 

jonathan-zobeck with classmatesQ: How have you felt supported as a student and an individual while enrolled at Salus? 

A: Like I said before, mostly the professors, they're all great. They're all rooting for you and want you to succeed, so I felt very supported by them. I also feel very supported by some of the administration, especially from President Mittelman's weekly emails, which was very appreciated. And, also the other staff, such as those in the BLVS department and Academic Affairs were very warm, inviting, and supportive as well. 

Q: What advice would you offer an undergrad considering pursuing an advanced degree in this field? 

A: The one thing I would tell them to do is try to get involved in the blindness or visual impairment community at large. It will provide excellent insight from people who are blind and visually impaired and who knows, you might find some experience working directly with the blind and visually impaired.

To see Jonathan’s full interview, check out the accompanying video.

To learn more about the University's programs, visit 

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