Meet the Newest Salus Student Organization
The newest student organization on campus - SAAO, the Student Chapter of the American Academy of Optometry – is making a home for itself at Salus.Even though they were only established this past fall, the group has already been in the process of developing a few upcoming events. One of these events includes a fundraiser on March 4 that features a professional photographer on campus from 12:00 to 8:00pm to take headshots for faculty, students and staff. The cost will be $40 for faculty and staff and $20 for students. The photographer will be available from 12:00 to 7:30pm (except from 4:30pm -5pm for a break) in Room S303. The chapter’s aim is to raise money for travel grants for active members to help defray travel and hotel costs to this year’s Academy meeting in Anaheim, CA. Members earn “points” while participating in chapter activities throughout the year, with some activities carrying more points than others.
The overall mission of SAAO is to promote awareness of the American Academy of Optometry, educate students on becoming Fellows of the AAO, increase student participation and attendance at the annual national meetings, and to cultivate students' passion for vision research and exceptional clinical practice, according to chapter president Pelacia Rhodes Moore ’18OD and the new Salus SMOTBOT (student member of the Board of Trustees).With faculty advisor Dr. Satya Verma, interim director of External Education, the chapter held an introductory lunchtime meeting for optometry students that featured information about the advantages of becoming an SAAO member, a presentation of what the chapter plans are, the opportunity to chat with chapter officers, and pizza.
In addition Ms. Rhodes, the chapter’s executive officers are: Roxanne Chalifoux ’19OD, vice president; Gretta Ghaner ’18ODSCH*, secretary; Kaitlyn Hanlin ’19OD, treasurer; Mao Yang ’19OD, faculty chapter liaison; Dana Reilly ’18OD, programming chair; Jamie Roden ’18ODSCH* and Brittany Hazelton ’18ODSCH*, media and publicity managers; and Christine Gonzales ’19OD, executive committee member.
To schedule a headshot appointment, email: and include your first three available times.
*ODSCH indicates student is in the Scholars program