The Heritage Society recognizes those who have made provision for the University as part of their estate planning.
Through their foresight and generosity, these donors help preserve the heritage of the University and build a stronger foundation.

been able to do, would never have happened
without PCO.” -Edward V. Cordes, III, OD '77,
Qualifications for membership include one or more of the following:
- Naming the University in your will
- Naming the University as a beneficiary of a life-income plan
- Making any other planned giving arrangements with the University
Members can expect some or all of the following benefits:
- You can qualify for federal income tax deductions
- Your beneficiary(s) could receive income for life
- Your estate may realize reduced probate costs and estate taxes
- You will generously provide for the future of the University or one of its colleges
- Your name will be listed among other society members in our Annual Report
For more information, please contact:
"I chose to make a bequest to the Osborne College of Audiology because I truly believe that Salus University is an outstanding educational model for the health sciences. The audiology program offers excellent clinical opportunities to prepare students for an audiological career to better care for those who are in need."
-Celeste F. Bove, AuD '03
"Legacy giving is an excellent way to support the practice of audiology, its students and OCA well beyond our years. Even a small percent of one's estate value can result in immeasurable results for students, OCA and our profession."
-Kathy A. Foltner, AuD '02