My name is Graham Seering and I attended the University of South Carolina where I earned a degree in Biology with a minor in Chemistry. My undergrad experience was one I would never trade. I met numerous friends I still keep in close contact with now while also still challenging myself academically.
I am currently in my second year of the Physician Assistant (PA) Studies program at Salus. Our second year is our clinical year, so I spend my days on rotation for different specialties at different hospitals or offices. I have already completed my Family Medicine, General Surgery, and elective Burn Unit rotations. I have just started my Internal Medicine rotation. Every day is a new challenge and I love practicing everything I have learned over the past year and a half.
My intrigue in healthcare must have really started back in middle school. My dad was sick at the time and I spent a lot of time in hospitals watching techs, nurses and doctors caring for my father. I especially loved the PAs. Their combination of medical intelligence and availability to have a candid conversation stood out to me most. I am excited to be that same role model for families I will be taking care of in the future.
Salus University was an especially attractive graduate school to me due to its professional and down-to-earth faculty. After my interview, I knew that the professors would be looking out for me and challenging me every step of the way. The multiple programs that Salus offers also brings a type of student diversity that other schools can't offer. Talking and listening to students from Optometry, Occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology really offered me a new perspective in my healthcare experience.
Here's a typical day for me:
5:30 a.m. Wake Up!
Monday through Friday calls for an early alarm clock, which allows me to shower, make breakfast and pack lunch for the day. There's no better feeling than knowing you're prepared for the day.
6 a.m. Morning Commute
My drive is usually my "me time" where I like to think about things I have to do at work as well as outside of work. There's always loud music and coffee involved to keep me awake!
7 a.m. Arrive at Hospital
Once I arrive at my rotation, I like to settle myself. I take morning sign out from the overnight residents or students and I like to talk to the nurses about overnight events and check labs on my patients.
7:30 a.m. Morning Rounds
As a team we "round" on our patients and review any new information, make assessments and discuss plans. This is a great part of the day to learn new things as well as show off to residents and attendings what you already know.
8:30 a.m. Patients!
Time to see my patients! My favorite part of the day! This part of the day allows me to challenge my observation skills. It makes me feel like a detective at times. This is the part of the day when I also get to know my patients. Sitting down and chatting about how they are feeling, what I can do to help, or just about life in general is a real luxury as a student.
12 p.m. Afternoon Conference
During this part of the day we gather as students, interns, residents and attendings to discuss cases. Presentations on different topics or diseases occur. Another very educational part of my day.
1 p.m. More Time with Patients!
Very similar to what I do earlier in the day. If I have time, I like to sit down and study what conditions my patients have so I can participate in their care better.
4:30 p.m. Sign Out and Head Home
I give my sign-out report to fresh employees starting their shifts and make sure no loose ends are left. Another day at the hospital in the books!
5:30 p.m. Home Sweet Home
Make dinner, exercise, TV and study. These are the four things that the end of my day at home consists of. Unfortunately, it's mostly studying! Once I finish up for the night, I hop in bed and get ready for whatever the next day might bring!