The Salus University Strategic Plan (Revised & Adopted by Board of Trustees 5/23/2022)

The Salus University Strategic Plan is an evolutionary document that embodies our institutional planning process. The process is inclusive of all of Salus’ constituents, including students, faculty, alumni, Board of Trustees and advisory board members, as well as thought leaders in both higher education and healthcare.

Since 2015, the strategic plan has been designed as a three-year, rolling plan that is refreshed annually. Three priorities — quality, innovation and value/fiscal responsibility, undergird the integrity and quality of all academic programs, and position the institution and its graduates to assume integral roles in the nation’s developing health care delivery system.

In 2021, an ad hoc committee on strategic initiatives led a campus-wide effort to refresh scenario planning efforts to identify new strategic areas and to challenge and explore “alternate futures” that the university may face. Several overarching principles emerged from discussions: build trust in all we do; our commitment to DEI will lead to progress in the robust strategies; the more virtual we become, the more personal we need to be; look at every aspect of what we do through the lens of student engagement; and align to our mission in all of our partnering activities.

The scenario planning exercise also produced a set of strategic captures that connect directly to the institution’s strategic plan: leadership to advance integration, leveraging external partnerships, being on the front end of metaverse learning, and achieving attainable, value-based education. Through a series of campus wide focus group sessions, 118 faculty, staff, alumni, students and board explored each of these themes to develop a set of desired outcomes and measures informing the current strategic plan update.