hearing exam

Osborne S. George Memorial Scholarship

To honor Dr. George Osborne’s dedication to audiology, teaching and academic excellence, the University has established the endowed scholarship memorial fund in his name. This fund will be used to support outstanding students enrolled at the Osborne College of Audiology.

As an audiologist he was a true pioneer and his vision and tenacity were major contributing factors in the founding of the Osborne College of Audiology, a leader in audiology education.

Victor Hugo Bray Award
The Victor Hugo Bray Award was established by former dean of the Osborne College of Audiology, Victor Hugo Bray, in 2009. This is awarded to a student who exhibits exemplar skills during residency and is selected by OCA faculty.
Radhika & Manikandan Audiology Endowed Scholarship
The Radhika & Manikandan Audiology Endowed Scholarship was established by the current dean of the Osborne College of Audiology, Dr. Radhika Aravamudhan and her husband, Manikandan Rajappa, in 2020.
The Sundar Distance Education Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Sundar Distance Education Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Dr. Giri Sundar. She dedicated this scholarship fund to the faculty who have made our programs distinctive with their dedication and unqualified generosity to share their knowledge and science and to all our students who have met the challenges of this unique program.

Pennsylvania Ear Institute
At Pennsylvania Ear Institute, faculty and students offer a comprehensive array of services related to the evaluation, rehabilitation and prevention of hearing impairment, as well as the evaluation and diagnosis of balance disorders.
Create an Endowed Scholarship or Fund

Endowed scholarships allow ambitious students from all backgrounds to attend Salus University and start their careers with less debt so they can focus on meeting the nation's growing needs for a highly skilled healthcare workforce.

A minimum gift or multi-year pledge (up to five years) of $25,000 will activate an endowment. The funds from interest earned on the principle will be provided in perpetuity. If you decide on a multi-year pledge, the first scholarship is awarded one-year after the endowment becomes fully funded (unless you fund an additional annual gift of $500 in which case such funds will be awarded to the recipient until such time as the endowment becomes fully funded.) Additional gifts may be made to a named scholarship endowment fund at any time.

To learn more, email jpatterson@salus.edu or call 215.780.1397.