Guidelines for Ethical Conduct

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These Principles apply to our trustees, faculty and staff and guests to our campus and clinics. While they apply generally to our students, their behavior is specifically governed by our Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy. These Principles encourage ethical conduct above and beyond legal compliance and adherence to our policies and procedures.

Guiding Principles
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1. Values
In carrying out our mission of advancing integrated healthcare through innovative education, research and clinical services, our community is dedicated to advancing our core values of:

a. Responsibility;
b. Collaboration;
c. Innovation; and
d. Growth and sustainability.

2. Commitment to these Principles
We are committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity. Our standards of conduct, supported through policies and procedures, provide decision-making guidance, and demonstrate our commitment to ethical conduct and behavior.

Standards of Conduct
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We hold ourselves to the following standards of conduct:

1. Act Ethically and with Integrity
Ethical conduct is a fundamental expectation for all of us. We are expected to act ethically in all our roles, including, teaching, research, patient care, and administration.

2. Act Fairly and Respectfully
We are committed to inclusion, tolerance, diversity and respect for all individuals and perspectives. We are expected to foster a community of diversity and inclusion, be objective, respectful, and promote conflict resolution.

3. Promote Health and Safety
We are committed to promoting a safe and healthy community.

4. Lead Responsibly
We promote an open, innovative, and productive atmosphere that encourages discussion and is responsive to concerns.

5. Preserve Academic Freedom and Meet Academic Responsibilities
We are committed to preserving, fostering and defending intellectual honesty and academic freedom.

6. Ethically Conduct Research
We have an ethical obligation to propose, conduct, and report research with integrity and honesty.

7. Promote a Culture of Compliance with Applicable Laws and Policies
We are committed to meeting legal requirements and policy compliance by adhering to processes and applying them with accuracy and transparency.

8. Refrain from Conflicts of Interest
We have an obligation to be objective and impartial in making decisions on behalf of the University. To ensure this objectivity, we are expected to disclose potential, and prevent actual, conflicts.

9. Protect and Preserve University Resources
We are dedicated to responsible stewardship. We are expected to follow sound financial practices and be respectful of all university property.