January 25, 2004

Attending: Dr. James M. Caldwell; Dr. Christine T. Clancey; Dr. Robert M. Cole, III; Dr. Terri Ives; Dr. William F. Johnston, Jr; Dr. Harry Kaplan; Dr. Thomas J. Landry; Dr. Thomas L. Lewis; Dr. Marie A. Marrone-Moriarty; Dr. Ranjoo K. Prasad; Dr. Lawrence A. Ragone; Dr. Robert A. Rosenberg; Ms. Lynne C. Corboy; and Ms. Ellen J. Mueller.

Call to Order:

Dr. Marrone-Moriarty called the meeting to order at 10:24 a.m.


The minutes were approved with a motion by Dr. Cole and seconded by Dr. Kaplan.

Treasurer’s Report:

The treasurer’s report was approved with a motion by Dr. Kaplan and seconded by Dr. Rosenberg.

Alumni Association President’s Report:

Dr. Marrone-Moriarty stated that as of January 15, 2004, 1,251 donors have pledged or donated $145,039 for the PCO Annual Fund. Compared to last year, there are about the same number of donors but we are about $9,000 behind.

The Mt. Airy Clinic of The Eye Institute opened in November. Faculty member Andrew Buzzelli joined the NASA/JSC Office of Space Medicine and Wyle Life Sciences advisory staff. January marks the first externship rotation of the current third-year class, the first class of the new curriculum.

The Alumni Office has noticed an increase in class notes submissions for PCO World. It has been a wonderful problem to try to include as many as possible in each issue of the World so that the class notes stay current.

Dr. Marrone-Moriarty introduced Dr. Terri Ives, a faculty member from the School of Audiology. Dr. Ives gave a brief overview of the history of the audiology profession. She went on to outline the two programs in the School of Audiology. First, she described the online program to grant practicing audiologists a doctoral degree (AuD). The online program has 300 graduates and has 450 students currently enrolled. The online program will be phased out over the next several years.

The residential audiology program started in the fall of 2003 with four students. The residential program mirrors the College’s optometry program. The College plans to open the Elkins Park Hearing and Balance Center to develop the clinical segment of the residential curriculum. The residential students are taking an active role in the PCO Community with a hearing screening at the Special Olympics and will inquire into helping the campus Lions Club.

Dr. Marrone-Moriarty next introduced Dr. Thomas L. Lewis, President of PCO. Dr. Lewis gave an update of the new Student Community Center. The College is still working with the neighbors to address their needs.

PCO is also conducting strategic planning, including a new mission statement. The College will be starting a PhD program with Cardiff University in Wales. The program will benefit both international and residential optometry graduates who want to earn a PhD through PCO.

Awards Committee Report:

Dr. Landry announced that Dr. Harold “Hal” Wiener ’50 has been selected as the 2004 Alumnus of the Year and he has accepted.

Nominating Committee Report:

Dr. Ragone presented the slate for the 2004 election of officers and directors of the Alumni Association. The election will be held on May 22 during Reunion Weekend.

Reunion/Special Events Committee Report:

Dr. Rosenberg reported that the reunion invitation is currently being designed. The Alumni Office hopes to have them mailed by early March. All Alumni Association Board members are encouraged to attend the reunion. He outlined the reunion weekend schedule. The 50th Reunion class will march in the commencement procession for the first time this year.

PCO will have a booth and alumni reception at SECO in Atlanta in February and at the AOA meeting in Orlando in June.

Other Business:

Dr. Marrone-Moriarty led a discussion to not sponsor a reunion breakfast this year, but to consider it again next year. In addition, she asked for the Board’s approval in raising the Association’s graduation award from $1,000 to $1,500. Dr. Ragone made a motion that, for this year, the award be set at $1,200 and that an outline of the Association’s financial expenditures be considered at the next meeting for further discussion about raising the award amount permanently. Dr. Clancey seconded the motion. The motion was approved with ten in favor and one opposed.


Dr. Marrone-Moriarty adjourned the meeting at 11:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Robert A. Rosenberg, OD, ’61