OT student giving exam

Speech-Language Institute
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The Speech-Language Institute is a state-of-the-art facility provides comprehensive speech-language pathology services for children and adults through individual and group intervention sessions and support groups for clients, parents and caregivers.

Services available for:

  • Speech, Voice & Fluency
  • Language
  • Swallowing & Feeding
  • Memory & Cognitive Skills
  • Accent Modification
  • Social Communication
Orthotics and Prosthetics Lab
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The Orthotics & Prosthetics Lab provides incoming students with new state-of-the-art training spaces and technology.

Create an Endowed Scholarship or Fund
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Endowed scholarships allow ambitious students from all backgrounds to attend the University and start their careers with less debt so they can focus on meeting the nation's growing needs for a highly skilled healthcare workforce.

A minimum gift or multi-year pledge (up to five years) of $25,000 will activate an endowment. The funds from interest earned on the principle will be provided in perpetuity. If you decide on a multi-year pledge, the first scholarship is awarded one-year after the endowment becomes fully funded (unless you fund an additional annual gift of $500 in which case such funds will be awarded to the recipient until such time as the endowment becomes fully funded.) Additional gifts may be made to a named scholarship endowment fund at any time.

To learn more, email jpatterson@salus.edu or call 215.780.1397.