It’s easy to show your support and make an immediate impact on the future of our programs by giving online, mailing a check, sending a wire transfer, or calling the us at 215.780.1391 to make a gift over the phone.

Providing a monthly gift is also a wonderful way to show your steadfast support for the work that our student, faculty, and staff accomplish every day.

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The online giving form is fast, safe and secure. The University accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Google Pay and Apple Wallet.


Send a Wire Cash Transfer

In order to make a wire transfer to Drexel University, please contact Reggie Battles at 215.895.1694 or for additional instructions.

Please be sure to inform your financial institution to include the following information in the description of the transfer:

  • Donor Name
  • Purpose of Gift
  • Donor’s contact person in Development Office

Before the wire transfer is made, please fill out the Securities and Cash Transfer Information Document [PDF] and email to:

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Please send a check payable to Salus at Drexel University and use the memo line of the check to indicate the area of the university you wish to support.

Checks sent by USPS (U.S. Mail):
Salus at Drexel University
PO Box 8215
Philadelphia, PA 19101-9684

FedEx option, if you wish to add tracking:
TD Bank – Mt Laurel Lockbox
C/O Drexel University – Box 8215
11000 Atrium Way
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054

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Make a pledge or credit card gift by calling 215.780.1391.

Pledges enable a donor to plan a personal giving program that is both convenient and tax-wise. A pledge may enable a donor to consider a more significant gift (for example, $5,000 over 5 years) than would have been otherwise possible. Terms for payment on pledges are flexible and at the option of the donor. If you are interested in making a multi-year pledge to the University, please contact Institutional Advancement Office directly at 215.780.1391.