First-Year Audiology Student: Naomi Ugarte
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First-Year Audiology Student: Naomi Ugarte

Naomi in front of SalusHey everyone! My name is Naomi (NAH-omi) Ugarte. I am a first-year student in the Osborne College of Audiology. I am from Plainfield, New Jersey but most importantly I am the daughter of two amazing Nicaraguense parents. I fell in love with Audiology during my junior year of my undergrad career after attending an Introduction to Audiology class.

After undergrad I took a break from school, had a few internships and even gained an amazing audiologist as a mentor: Dr. Marla Durand, also known as listen2dr.d on Instagram, who only furthered my love for the field.

My goal is to own my own practice, in addition to practicing in my beautiful country of Nicaragua. Audiology is such an amazing career field and I cannot wait to see how I grow as a future audiologist and student. 

Since the day I stepped foot at Salus I knew that it was the school for me. From the welcoming staff to the [current] students that were excited to share their excitement with incoming students, I have always felt at home with Salus. 

A day in the life with me starts off very early:

Naomi in the LRCI usually wake up at 5 a.m. and begin to get ready for my day. I eat breakfast, shower and by 6 a.m. I am on my way to school. I commute from Jersey to Elkins Park, which takes approximately two hours. During this time I am either playing lectures or some days just music to keep me company. 

My classes usually begin at 8 a.m. From 8 a.m. to noon, I will have had two lectures. After my two lectures, I’ll have lunch with some of my cohort and go to class. From 1 to 5 p.m. I will have had an additional two lectures. After 5 p.m. I go and eat dinner outside of campus and return around 6 p.m. From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., I’ll rewatch my lectures online and begin to update my notes with any information that I might have missed. After my study session, I drive back home and prepare to start the cycle all over again.

Although my day is long, I really do enjoy all aspects of it and find it very rewarding at the end, especially since I have the support of family and friends.

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