Interprofessional Education Workshop Events
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Interprofessional Education Workshop Events

IPE Day - Wegmans WarringtonSalus University held its annual Interprofessional Education Workshop events on June 16 and 17.  As healthcare continues to evolve, there is a growing understanding that healthcare and educational professionals need to work together to provide the best possible integrated care for their patients or clients. The Interprofessional Education Workshop provides an opportunity for students and faculty to come together to learn from, with, and about each other. 

Over the course of two days, speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, orientation and mobility, low vision rehabilitation, teachers of the visually impaired and vision rehabilitation therapy students gathered for lectures, working lunches, environmental assessments, and presentations. Environmental assessment groups were held both on and off campus to discuss accessibility, usability and universal design of various locations in the community, including The Eye Institute, Wegmans, The Franklin Institute, and Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel. Students used tape measures, canes, walkers, low vision simulators, and occluders to aid in their experience. On Friday afternoon, students presented their findings and reflected on the interprofessional collaboration process that took place, including possible benefits and perceived challenges.

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