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Follow our legacy and tradition in health education through stories and photos celebrating the more than 100 years of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry, the founding college of Salus University.

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The Official Charter of PSCO

Salus University's Pennsylvania College of Optometry celebrates the anniversary of receiving its charter on December 31, 1919.

Flashback Friday: Going Home for Christmas, Circa 1985

On December 20, 1985, an 11-year-old third grader from Poland who was a patient at the William Feinbloom Rehabilitation Center was featured in a...

100 Stories: Maria Pribis, OD '09, FAAO

I chose PCO because I loved that the curricula had a focus on disease and I knew early on that I was passionate about dry eye and I was able to...

Barry Farkas: Always on the Cutting Edge of Contact Lens Technology

Barry Farkas was down to his last semester at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) in 1971 and working at the College’s clinical site...

'Dames Club' Was Much More Than a Social and Charitable Group

In the 1957 edition of the Iris – Pennsylvania State College of Optometry’s (PSCO) yearbook – there is a note from the married...

Georgia Crozier Forged Her Own Path at PCO

Dr. Georgia Crozier’s family, after all, has been synonymous with PCO since its inception. But, as she confirms, there was never any pressure...

Q and A: Bisant A. Labib, OD, FAAO

Dr. Labib is the co-chief of Primary Care, Suite at The Eye Institute. She earned her Doctor of Optometry degree from Salus University’s...

Who's Who: Dr. Lawrence McClure

Dr. Larry McClure believes his professional life was nothing more than fate. He thinks there are coincidences that happened along his career path...

100 Stories: Jo Ann Bailey, OD, Resident ‘96

"As a pediatric optometrist, I get to do so many things that make the children happy, their parents happy, and bring a smile to my face. It...

100 Stories: Bernard Kauderer, OD ‘57

I remember Old Main with the creaking floors and the wonderful classrooms on both sides of the hallway.

Marie Marrone-Moriarty, OD ’89: Optometrist Finds a Niche Helping Deaf Children

Dr. Marrone-Moriarty currently consults at two schools for the deaf in New York City. Although she is no longer living in Philadelphia, her...

A Trip to the Principal’s Office Planted the Seed for Alton Williams’ Career in Optometry

Getting tossed out of class during his junior year of high school may have been the best thing that ever happened to Alton Williams. From then on,...

Who's Who: Board of Trustees Chairs Through the Years

The Pennsylvania College of Optometry and now Salus University draw a wide range of experience and expertise for both the chair and the members of...

Pennsylvania Ear Institute Celebrates 15th Anniversary

On November 19, 2019, the Pennsylvania Ear Institute (PEI) officially celebrates its 15 year anniversary. Since its opening on November 19, 2004,...

100 Stories: Leonard J. Press, OD ‘77, Resident '78, FAAO, FCOVD

My father was a PCO alumnus, and it was the school and environment that was most appealing to me. He stayed on staff at PCO for a while, and knew...

A Closer Look: The War Years

During World War I, before the Pennsylvania State College of Optometry (PSCO), later renamed the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), was...

Community Home Eye Care Program Provided a Much-Needed Service

Can an eye exam be effectively performed in a bathroom? It’s something we’ll likely never know now, but there was a time when...

A Closer Look: History of Looking Out for Kids

With a recognition that access to comprehensive pediatric vision care represents one of the many barriers to receiving care for disadvantaged...

Alumni Feature: Martin Hafter, OD ’49, LLD (Hon.) ‘88

Dr. Martin Hafter will always be remembered as a PCO alumnus and Salus benefactor whose generosity will have an impact on generations of future...

Going Hollywood: Rick Silver, OD ’79

What do the Incredible Hulk, Dracula and Mr. Saturday Night (Billy Crystal’s screen persona) all have in common? Each depends on the talents...

What's in a Name...

In the Winter of 1965, the College officially changed its name from the Pennsylvania State College of Optometry to the Pennsylvania College of...

Alumni Feature: Alden Norman Haffner, OD ’52, PhD

There is no individual in the history of the profession of optometry that has had quite the impact on public health policy more than Alden Norman...

100 Stories: Bruce Conan, OD '72

A well-respected optometrist/family friend encouraged me and allowed me to observe him at work. I knew that this profession would be a perfect fit.

Dr. Avi Gonen’s Global Impact Will Be Enduring

After graduating from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), Abraham “Avi” Gonen, OD ’73, went to work for Dr. Richard...

Throwback Thursday: A Plea is Made at the 1918 POA Convention

Published in The York Daily Record on Jan. 1, 1919, this newspaper clipping chronicles the first discussion made among the Pennsylvania Optometric...

100 Stories: Carter Liotta, OD '03

"I remember it being a very long haul with long nights and tough classes. I remember my classes were filled with incredibly smart people who...

Medal Monday: I. William Collins, OD ‘47

I. William Collins, OD ’47, was active during his years at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), serving as vice president of the...

100 Stories: Robert DiSogra, AuD ‘03

"I found audiology as an undergraduate speech-language pathology major at St. John’s University in NY. I found working with the...

Flashback Friday: First Commencement Program

Take a look at the cover of PSCO's first commencement program.

Medal Monday: Thomas Lewis, OD ’70, PhD, FAAO

Thomas Lewis, OD ’70, PhD, FAAO, never aspired to hold academic leadership positions, let alone end up as PCO’s president for more than...

Throwback Thursday: The 1985 PCO Soccer Team

Did you know that PCO once had a student soccer team?

Medal Monday: Melvin Wolfberg, OD ’51, FAAO

Dr. Wolfberg, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry’s (PCO) fourth president, began his history of association with the College shortly after...

Q&A with Felix Barker OD, MS, FAAO

Dr. Felix M. Barker, professor emeritus and former Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) trustee, has been an educator, researcher,...

Medal Monday: The Hon. Nochem S. Winnet

In his book, Vignettes of a Lucky Life, “Noke” described his early association with Pennsylvania College of Optometry’s (PCO)...

Alumni Feature: Gabriel Merchán–De Mendoza, OD ’55

The following article was written by Dr. Gabriel Merchán-De Mendoza about his life and career since graduation from the Pennsylvania State...

Alumni Feature: Dr. Donald Teig

One day several years ago, Donald Teig, OD ’70, FAAO, picked up his scheduling book, looking to see how his appointments were stacking up...

100 Stories: Arnold Bierman, OD ‘68

"Some of my favorite memories from PCO include: playing ping-pong in the student lounge, studying with a group of students for final exams,...

100 Stories: Michael Baertschi, PhD ‘15

"During my PhD I had to climb Mount Everest to measure the ocular surface temperature and the retinal venous pressure of my subject group....

Medal Monday: Harold Wiener, OD ’50, FCOVD

Dr. Wiener is nationally known as a lecturer, author, and practitioner of developmental and behavioral optometry. In 1982, he chaired a special...

Flashback Friday: Dr. Mitchell Scheiman & Pediatric Vision Therapy

Check out this news clip from the early 90s where Mitchell Scheiman, OD, PhD, FAAO explains the importance of pediatric vision exams.

100 Stories: Lawrence Eng, AuD '01

"I believe I was in the second graduating class at PCO and had known Dr. George Osborne professionally. I had great respect for him in his...

A Legacy in Student Affairs: Dean Robert Horne

The following is an excerpt from the Alumni Magazine of Salus University, Spring 2012. After 36 years of service at the Pennsylvania College of...

Jeffrey and Neal Nyman Were Not the Typical Optometrists

The country was changing and brothers Jeffrey and Neal Nyman were changing with it. It was a tense time on university campuses everywhere and the...

Medal Monday: Theodore J. Wentka, OD ‘52

Dr. Wentka made significant contributions to optometry as a life-member of the International Association of Lions Clubs and Chairman of the...

Flashback Friday the 13th

In celebration of Friday the 13th, check out this NBC 10 news segment from Friday, October 13, 1989 when a computer virus infected The Eye Institute.

Throwback Thursday: InfantSEE Week Emphasizes Importance of Infant Vision

Good visual health plays an important part in an infant’s development and overall wellbeing. For that reason, a proclamation, signed in the...

Medal Monday: Guy D.G. Wengert, OD ‘28

As an active member of the Pennsylvania Optometric Association and as the organization’s vice president for Legislative Affairs, Dr. Wengert...

Flashback Friday: Centennial Gala

On April 27, 2019, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry celebrated its Centennial birthday at the Hilton at Penn's Landing. NBC10 anchor and...

100 Stories: Rebecca E. Hutchins, OD '84

"I enjoyed working with Audrey Smith, Ann Barber, Tony DeSantis and others on grants for Feinbloom Center. I also had a wonderful time...

Q & A with Pierrette Dayhaw-Barker, PhD

Dr. Pierrette Dayhaw-Barker served both the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) and Salus University for more than 35 years teaching within the...

Medal Monday: William G. Walton, Jr., OD '40, FAAO

Through his long-time dedication and commitment to the College, Dr. Walton touched the lives of many students and faculty.

Fun Fact Friday: 2010s

This month's Fun Fact Friday includes facts about the history of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) from the 2010s!

For Two Generations, the Boas Family Has Been Very Much a Part of Salus/PCO

Without realizing it at the time, Mitchell Scheiman, OD ‘75, PhD, FAAO, may have been responsible for the spark that would lead to the...

100 Stories: James Allen Tribbett, OD ‘69

"I could not believe I was in the company of so many smart people, classmates and professors."

Medal Monday: William G. Walton, Sr., OD

Dr. Walton was one of the pioneer optometrists in Pennsylvania who, along with others, worked diligently for the passage of the first optometric...

Flashback Friday: Optopoetry

Check out this poem, "The PCO Campus as an Eyeball" featured in the book, "Optopoetry" written and illustrated by Jonathan...

100 Stories: Steven Allgaier, OD ‘01

"Evening class with Dr. Carlo Pelino. I brought my two-year-old son, and he had to compete with bouncing Tigger. I loved being in school and...

Dedicated to Clinical Education: “Uncle Bernie” Retires after 40 Years

After more than 40 years of service to the University’s Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), professor Bernard H. Blaustein, OD...

Medal Monday: Norman E. Wallis, OD

Dr. Wallis, third President of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) from 1972 to 1979, has led a distinguished career in the field of...

Who’s Who: Dr. Linda Casser

When Linda Casser, OD, FAAO, FNAP, graduated from the Indiana University School of Optometry in 1978, she had a decision to make on which path to...

100 Stories: William Billig, OD ‘87

"I toured PCO when I was in ninth grade. I met Dr. Larry Gray and he inspired me to apply after college. "

Throwback Thursday: Our New Freshmen

In the series titled, “Our New Freshman”, the Alumni Bulletin for the Pennsylvania State College of Optometry (PSCO), later renamed the...

Medal Monday: Joseph C. Toland, OD ’54

Dr. Toland has been one of the most influential ophthalmologists in the country, promoting the use of pharmaceutical agents by optometrists. Dr....

100 Stories: Leslie O’Dell, OD ‘03

"Salus PCO is a great program that focused heavily on ocular disease, in a great area of the country - I mean who doesn't love an...

Flashback Friday: 1979 Orientation

As we prepare for Salus’ 11th orientation, check out these photos from orientation for the class of 1979. Today, orientation sessions are...

Alumni Feature: Carter Liotta, OD '03

“I’m probably the only Salus alumnus who has a Super Bowl ring,” Dr. Carter Liotta said about his prized possession from the...

Bookstore Prices Now & Then

Check out this comparison of optometry textbook prices from 60 years ago and now.

Medal Monday: Donald S. Teig, OD ’70, FAAO

Dr. Teig is the true guru in the field of Visual-Neurocognitive Training. He began his career with 15 teams in Major League Baseball in 1980 and...

100 Stories: André Whitehead, OD ‘04

"Dr. Lorraine Lombardi scared me and amazed me at the same time. On the first day of class, she started speaking and I thought to myself, that...

The Perfect Pair of Optometric Techs

It was back in the early ‘80s when the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) was a single purpose institution and The Eye Institute (TEI)...

Medal Monday: Frederick E. Tanger

Dr. Tanger joined the College Board of Trustees in 1963 as the first representative appointed by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Instruction...

Fun Fact Friday: 2000s

This month's Fun Fact Friday includes facts about the history of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) from the 2000s!

Who’s Who: Dr. Charles Mullen

With a Doctor of Optometry degree and a strong interest in the strategic direction of the profession, Dr. Mullen started his career as a special...

Medal Monday: Martin R. Snook, OD '36

Throughout his lifetime, Dr. Snook was an indefatigable worker for his profession. In 1946, he formulated the New Jersey Optometric...

Passion with Purpose: Dr. O's Powerful Impact

Susan C. Oleszewski, OD ‘76, MA – or “Dr. O” as she is more familiarly known – was a Salus icon. In her nearly...

The Man Behind the Photograph: Dr. Errol Rummel

Like many of our alumni, Dr. Errol Rummel recently received Salus University’s Centennial Alumni Magazine in the mail. While it’s not...

100 Stories: Amanda Kutzura, MS ‘10

"I chose Salus because I heard great things about the program and professors."

A Letter for 100 Years: Dr. Jerald Strickland

My wife, Cecile and I send our hearty congratulations to you, the Board of Trustees, and the Faculty and the Staff on the 100th Anniversary of the...

PCO and the Lions – A Solid Partnership

In 1985, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) became the first optometric institution in the world to establish its own Lions Club. The...

Medal Monday: Audrey J. Smith, PhD, CLVT, COMS

Dr. Smith originally joined the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) faculty in the 1970s as a low vision and orientation and mobility...

Flashback Friday: The Class of 1974

Pictured is the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) class of 1974 shown at the entrance of the academic building in Oak Lane. The class of 128...

Medal Monday: Frederick W. Sinn, OD ’33

Dr. Sinn joined the faculty in 1933 and served until his death in 1961. He endeared himself to students and faculty alike by his keenness of...

Celebrating Sal the Salamander

Sal the Salamander was born on a sweltering summer day in Philadelphia’s own Fairmount Park in July 2008. He stands proud at four inches...

Legacies Last a Lifetime

This photo, after the 2010 Orientation White Coat Ceremony was featured on the cover of Fall 2010 Salus University Alumni Magazine.

Medal Monday: Harold Simmerman, OD ’30

Dr. Simmerman joined the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) faculty in 1932 and served as professor of Ocular Pathology and Optometric...

Fun Fact Friday: 1990s

This month's Fun Fact Friday includes facts about the history of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) from the 1990s!

A Closer Look: The History of Old Main Campus

Salus University’s founding college, the Pennsylvania State College of Optometry (PSCO), later renamed Pennsylvania College of Optometry...

PCO and Salus are Part of the City’s History of Medicine

One of the most prominent areas in Philadelphia has been medicine – in fact, the city has been at the forefront of medical innovation since...

Medal Monday: Ira Silverman, OD ’49

Dr. Silverman joined the College Board of Trustees in 1982 and served until September of 1993. His impact on the Board was significant in the...

Flashback Friday: Sunglasses 1986

Check out this 6ABC Action News spot from 1986 where Charles Wormington, PhD, OD, FAAO explains the importance of choosing the proper sunglasses...

A Closer Look: Optometry’s Student Bowl

In 2016, “The Bowl” officially celebrated 25 years of its first competition. Dating back to 1991, the competitive game-show style...

Medal Monday: Arthur Shlaifer, OD ’48

Dr. Shlaifer joined the PCO faculty in 1948 and served for many years as professor of Ocular Pathology. Upon his retirement in 1975, he was named...

Flashback Friday: Albert and Lawrence Fitch Hall

In honor of Father’s Day, check out these photos from the dedication ceremony of Albert and Lawrence Fitch Hall on Monday, July 27, 1981.

Throwback Thursday: Philadelphia Focus: Optometry’s Meeting 2014

Philadelphia was the focus of the American Optometric Association in late June 2014, as members arrived for the annual Optometry’s Meeting....

A Closer Look: Spring Garden St. & 1810 Brandywine St.

Salus University's founding college, Pennsylvania State College of Optometry, had its original campus in the Spring Garden neighborhood of...

An Optometrist to the Stars: Robert Morrison OD ’48, FAAO

Dr. Robert Morrison was not your typical eager-to-excel student. In fact, his one regret about his life is that he wished he studied more....

Medal Monday: Richmond Lewis Scott, OD ’50

Throughout his professional career, Dr. Richmond Lewis Scott was a strong advocate for expanding the scope of practice for optometry and the...

Flashback Friday: 1985 Main Line Jaycees’ Feinbloom 10K Run

Check out this flashback from the first 1985 Main Line Jaycees’ Feinbloom 10K Run. The race was inspired by race director (front right) John...

#AlumniFeature: Darryl Glover, OD ’11

Millennial optometrist, Darryl Glover, OD ’11, is a global speaker, entrepreneur, and social media expert. As a firm believer in the power of...

Throwback Thursday: Creative Competition in Pursuit of the Crystal Trophy

Although the name may have changed since its inception in 1991, the concept remains the same – battle to be the smartest, loudest and most...

Who’s Who: Richard Brilliant, OD ‘76, FAAO

Recognized as one of the world’s finest low vision specialists, Dr. Richard Brilliant’s career with the Pennsylvania College of...

Medal Monday: Freda Sattel, OD ‘43

Born in Johnstown, Pa., Dr. Freda Sattel, OD ’43, entered the Pennsylvania State College of Optometry (PSCO), later renamed Pennsylvania...

Fun Fact Friday: 1970s & 1980s

This month's Fun Fact Friday includes facts about the history of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) from the 1970s and 1980s.

Alumni Feature: John S. Biernacki, OD ‘52

As we approach summer and the irresistibly nice weather makes it hard to stay inside, the idea of sit-ting outside might be a welcoming idea. Upon...

Medal Monday: Onofrey G. Rybachok, MA

Dr. Onofrey Rybachok joined the faculty of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) in 1937 and retired in 1978 as professor emeritus. He...

Throwback Thursday: 1995 Commencement

In addition to celebrating its 75th anniversary in 1995, PCO held its 79th commencement ceremony at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia, PA on May...

Alumni Feature: Jack E. Richman, OD ’68, FAAO, FCOVD

A pioneer in pediatric optometry, Dr. Jack Richman has always been a leader, mentor, and friend to many. Publishing an average of one to two...

Medal Monday: John D. Robinson, OD ‘54

Dr. Robinson’s career-long commitment to organizational service and optometric advancement made him highly influential in expanding...

Norman Wallis: The Story of PCO’s Third President

He first visited the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) in the spring of 1964 while he was in Philadelphia for a week as a musician with the...

Proclamations for Pennsylvania College of Optometry Centennial

These proclamations were presented to the Pennsylvania College of Optometry in celebration of its Centennial Anniversary.

Throwback Thursday: Class of 1999

“We leave behind… 8 a.m. classes; bubble sheets; presenting to dilate; midterms; finals; Scantrons; grades; CDP lab; boards; missing...

Medal Monday: Lawrence A. Ragone, OD ’53

Dr. Ragone joined the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) faculty in 1965, and, at the time of his retirement in 1993, he held the academic...

Flashback Friday: 1938 PSCO Short Film

This short film, recorded in 1938, tells the story of William G. Walton, Jr. OD ’40 telling his father, Dr. William G. Walton Sr. OD, about...

Fun Fact Friday: 1950s & 1960s

This month's Fun Fact Friday includes facts about the history of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) from the 1950s and 1960s.

Throwback Thursday: 1965 Commencement

During the 1965 commencement, the Beta Sigma Kappa Silver Medal was presented to Alexander John Graham by Augustus M. Iatesta OD ’52.

Letters For a New Century

As Salus University’s founding College, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), begins a new century, it is time to turn our eyes to...

Q&A with a World Traveling Optometrist, Luigi Bilotto, MSc, OD, Resident ’94, FAAO

Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, Dr. Luigi Bilotto has traveled the globe teaching and practicing optometry in places such as Singapore,...

Medal Monday: Morey X. Powell, OD ‘36

Dr. Powell has remained a very active Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) alumnus, a dedication that began while he was a student more than 80...

The Centennial Campaign Kickoff

The Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) Centennial Gala on April 27, 2019 marked the official kickoff of Focus on Our Future: The Centennial...

Wayback Wednesday: TV Interview with Dr. Caldwell 1990

Watch our throwback video of James Caldwell, OD, EdM, dean of Student Affairs, talk to Newsight 21 in 1990 about the growing need of optometrists...

SOSH: A History of Helping

For over 50 years, eye care has been generously provided at no cost to thousands of people around the world through the efforts of students from...

Medal Monday: William W. Policoff, OD

Dr. Policoff, a man of diverse talents and interests, made a tremendous impact on optometry as a pioneer, innovator and teacher in the areas of low...

History of the Alumni Association Awards

Each year, the University’s Alumni Association recognizes the professional contributions and achievements of graduates and friends of the...

Presidential Medal of Honor Recipients

It takes a special community to ensure that Salus continues to be a leader in health science education. In 1995, to commemorate the 75th...

Throwback Thursday: 1966 Alumni Association Awards

Check out this throwback from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry’s Alumni Association Awards ceremony on Saturday, April 30, 1966.

Alumni Feature: Dr. Lester E. Janoff

In accordance with our Centennial celebration for the University’s founding college, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), we like to...

Medal Monday: Algernon A. Phillips, Jr., OD ’69

While a student at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), Dr. Phillips founded SOSH, the Student Optometric Service to Humanity. After...

Setting Their Sights on Greatness

Already engaged when they started at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), Leonard Messner, OD ’84, Resident ’85, FAAO and...

Flashback Friday: PCO Sports

From the beginning, sports have always been part of the Salus legacy, going back to our basketball, baseball, and tennis teams of the 1920s.

Throwback Thursday: 75th Presidential Medal Awardees

As the countdown is on for the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) Centennial Gala and Presidential Medal of Honor ceremony, here's a look...

PCO and Salus Legacy: The Orrens

In the summer of 1983, fate put PCO soulmates, Rita Verma Orren, OD ’87 and G. William (Bill) Orren III, OD ’87 together as they...

Medal Monday: John D. Perry, Jr., OD ’28

Dr. Perry’s long-time commitment to the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) brought about the strengthening of funding and stature. A...

Throwback Thursday: National Library Week

National Library Week is an annual celebration highlighting the valuable role libraries, librarians, and library workers play in transforming lives...

Who’s Who: Melissa Trego, OD ’04, Resident ’09, PhD

In July 2017, Melissa Trego, OD ’04, Resident ‘09, PhD was appointed as the new dean of the University’s Pennsylvania College of...

Medal Monday: Emanuel C. Nurock, OD ’27

Dr. Nurock had a long and illustrious career in optometry and community affairs. He served on the New Jersey State Board of Examiners for many...

A Closer Look: CE by the Sea

Imagine: It’s a sunny day. Cool blue water is gently lapping on a long stretch of sandy, white beach. Draping palm trees sway as the warm...

Taking Over the World One Werner at a Time

Like many institutions, Salus has its fair share of legacy families, especially within its founding College, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry...

Celebrating #NationalFoodMonth with “Out of Sight Recipes”

In 1994, students, faculty, and staff provided hundreds of easy recipes for the “busy, on-the-go student,” which can be found in the...

Medal Monday: Jacob Nevyas, PhD

Dr. Jacob Nevyas joined the faculty in 1932 as professor of Chemistry and was named Emeritus Professor upon his retirement in 1971. He devoted his...

Fun Fact Friday: 1930s & 1940s

This month's Fun Fact Friday includes 10 fun facts about the history of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) from the 1930s and 1940s.

History of Elkins Park Campus

The number one rule in real estate is: location, location, location – meaning that property can fluctuate in value due to nothing other than...

Throwback Thursday: Save Your Vision Month - Luci B. Johnson

March is Save Your Vision Month, which traces its founding to 1927 by members of the American Optometric Association (AOA). Initially, the...

The Quest for Clearer Vision: The History of Eyeglasses

Did you know? Italian monks were the first to craft semi-shaped ground lenses in the 13th century, which worked like magnifying glasses. To make...

Who's Who: Mitchell Scheiman, OD, PhD, FAAO

For nearly 40 years, Mitchell Scheiman, OD, PhD, dean of Research and director of Graduate Programs in Biomedicine, has played a major role in the...

Medal Monday: Julius F. Neumueller, OD ’24

A brilliant researcher, teacher, and writer, Dr. Neumueller made significant contributions to optometry throughout his professional career.

Throwback Thursday: #WomensHistoryMonth - Phi Beta Rho Sorority

Phi Beta Rho Sorority was organized in 1934 by a group of female students attending the Pennsylvania State College of Optometry (PSCO), later...

100 Stories: Helene M. Kaiser, OD '89 and Mark A. Shust, OD '89

"Mark and I worked as teaching assistants in lab together; we did some of our externship rotations together; and we got engaged during our...

On To Her Next Escapade: Dr. Janice Scharre

Dr. Scharre retired in 2018 as the University’s provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, and moved to Northern Virginia to spend more...

Mural Monday: Seemore’s Scene and Eye-Popping Surroundings

As the first phase of construction was completed at The Eye Institute (TEI) on May 31, 2011, pediatric optometrists, optometric interns and staff...

Medal Monday: John C. Neill, OD '22

An optometric pioneer, Dr. Neill joined the Pennsylvania College of Optometry faculty in 1929, rising as Professor of Ophthalmic Mechanics and...

Full Steam Ahead: Dr. Michael H. Mittelman, President

When Michael H. Mittelman, OD ‘ 80, MPH, FAAO, FACHE took on his new mission in 2013, it was- in a way - a homecoming. After 33 years, Dr....

100 Stories: Ally Jobe ‘19OD and Bella Sudit, OD ‘18

"Ally and I met when I was his admissions tour guide. I was in my first year in the Doctor of Optometry – Accelerated Scholars program...

Throwback Thursday: A Tour of Dr. Albert Fitch's Home

Here’s a throwback “tour” of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry’s (PCO) and first president, Dr. Albert Fitch’s...

The First Residency Class at The Eye Institute

In 1978, The Eye Institute (TEI) of Salus University officially opened its doors to serve as the first interdisciplinary training site of its kind...

Medal Monday: Charles F. Mullen, OD

Dr. Charles Mullen dedicated himself to the optometric profession. He was directly involved in helping establish The Eye Institute (TEI) of Salus...

Throwback: PCO Alma Mater 1930s

The Pennsylvania State College of Optometry’s (PCO) Alma Mater was composed in the early 1930’s and was copyrighted in 1932. One of the...

Flashback Friday: PCO Campus 1968

In May 1968, construction began on a new main building for the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO). Set to replace “Old Main”...

Throwback Thursday: "Save Your Vision Week" 1953

In recognition of “Save Your Vision Week” in March 1953, Dr. John J. Crozier helps to put the finishing touches on a billboard located...

The Real Charlie’s Angels

Michael Cymbor, OD ‘96 and Jason Jedlicka, OD ’96 once spent the summer as members of Charlie’s Angels. No, not the television...

100 Stories: Susan Oleszewski, OD ’76, Resident ’78

"For the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) graduates starting in the late 1930s well into the 1970s, Dr. Rybachok “Rybie”...

A Closer Look: Healthcare on the Move

Not only can you find committed optometrists, optometric interns, and ophthalmic technicians and opticians working at The Eye Institute (TEI) of...

Medal Monday: Herbert L. Moss, OD ’38

Dr. Herbert Moss has a significant influence on optometry’s development within the United States and throughout the world. He was recognized...

100 Stories: Osama Said, OD ‘99

"One of my fondest memories at PCO is sitting at a table hearing Larry Gray, OD ’72 and Dr. Lorraine Lombardi discussing a neuro case. I...

Medal Monday: Robert J. Morrison, OD ’48, FAAO

Dr. Robert Morrison, a world-renowned lecturer, researcher, and author in the field of contact lenses, joined the PCO faculty in 1980 as an adjunct...

100 Stories: Gloria Garner, AuD ‘03

"I chose audiology because I felt a true sense of calling. My husband and his identical twin were born eleven weeks prematurely and his twin...

100 Stories: Maria Armandi, OD '92, Resident '93

"Some of my favorite PCO memories include making new friends who quickly became my PCO family, life in Wentka Hall, student activity parties...

Fun Fact Friday: 1910s & 1920s

Welcome to a new series: Fun Fact Friday, in which we will feature 10 fun facts about the history of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO). ...

Throwback Thursday: Eyeball Now & Then

The Eyeball has become an annual tradition at PCO. It is a formal “last hoorah” celebration where third year traditional Optometry...

Tech Tuesday: Fundus Photography through the Years

Optometrists have been evaluating the retina for more than a century. While the foundation of the first retinal imaging devices has remained the...

Medal Monday: George MacElree, Jr., OD ‘24, FAAO

Dr. George MacElree joined the faculty in 1924 and served as professor of Ocular Pathology and Therapeutics. He wrote and published the first text...

#SalusSoulmates: Time for Love

Heads down and noses in books is a common sight around campus and many students will tell you they don’t have time for anything but studying....

Way Back Wednesday: 1981 Iris Fairy Tale

Check out this fairy tale written for the Iris yearbook in 1981 by Salus University Pennsylvania College of Optometry students.

Building Foundations: Anthony F. Di Stefano, OD '73

Dr. Di Stefano is a 1973 graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO). As a PCO student leader, he served as Class President for four...

Medal Monday: Thomas P. Lynch, BS

Thomas Lynch, founder of Winchester Optical Company, was one of the early non-optometrists to join the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO)...

Flashback Friday: Lunch at Dr. Fitch's Home 1940s

Check out this flashback featured in the book, Images of America: Oak Lane, Olney and Logan from Dr. Albert Fitch's home in the 1940s.

Throwback Thursday: Freshman Class of 1970

Check out this throwback of freshman students from the class of 1970 pictured on the walk leading to the Main Building.

Who’s Who: Joseph Toland OD ’54, MD

“A true icon, advocate, activist and leader who played a pivotal role in ensuring optometrists were able to practice at the levels at which...

Medal Monday: Lorraine Lombardi, PhD

For fifty years, one of the most beloved teachers at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) and Salus University was Dr. Lorraine Lombardi....

Throwback Thursday: 1966 Alumni Bulletin

In this photo from the 1966 Alumni Bulletin, Dr. John C. Neill, ’22 (left) is shown receiving the Apollo Award from Dr. V. Eugene McCrary...

Q&A with the President of the Alumni Association - Dr. David W. Friess

To mark 100 years of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), we have asked faculty, staff, alumni and students about their experiences at PCO...

Sensory Integration: PEI’s Newest Vestibular Equipment

Researchers and clinicians have been evaluating the vestibular system through rotation for just over 100 years. This past year, the Pennsylvania...

Medal Monday: Alvin Levin, OD ’51

Dr. Alvin Levin was an optometric leader and advocate, who served his profession well and will always be remembered for his passion for his work,...

Flashback Friday: Villanova Agreement

Check out this flashback from 1988 when the College signed an affiliation agreement with Villanova University. Salus University currently has over...

Throwback Thursday: 10 Years of Progress PCO Brochure 1970

In 1970, this brochure was created with the purpose of showing the last ten years of progress within the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO)....

Virtual Reality Simulation Lab in Action

One of the stages of the University’s five year Strategic Plan and Master Facilities Plan, implemented in 2015, was to “provide...

The Role That the Research Department Plays

The Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) originally developed an emphasis on biomedical sciences, visual sciences and clinical trials which...

The Eye Institute: Growth Over the Years

Salus University has been providing the Philadelphia community with the highest standard of vision and eye care since the early 1900s. hile the...

Throwback Thursday: Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service 2008

Check out this throwback from Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service in 2008 when our Optometry students and faculty provided vision screenings to...

A Distinguished Career for the Girl Next Door

When she was a girl, she lived next door to an optometrist. For Dr. Gilda Crozier, this chance circumstance helped launch a career that has spanned...

Graduating in 2000: Turn of the Century – Back to the Future

Karen Jones, OD ‘00 came to the optometric profession on a non-traditional three-year journey, after a career that started in the electrical...

Medal Monday: Gideon L. Lang, Jr., OD ’41

Dr. Gideon Lang, long-time practitioner in the state of North Carolina, dramatically impacted optometry through his tireless efforts to change...

Flashback Friday: Tunnel Vision Invention

Check out this flashback from the Philadelphia Daily News on Friday, January 6, 1984. Low vision pioneer Dr. William Feinbloom, founder of the...

Throwback Thursday: Remembering the Blizzard of 1996

While this month has been without snow (so far), that was not the case in the January of 1996. Within the first week of the New Year, Philadelphia...

An Optometrist Among Audiologists: Robert Libby, OD ‘43

An optometrist famous among audiologists, Dr. E. Robert Libby, OD ‘43, made a name for himself when he created the Libby Horn, a hearing-aid...

Fond Memories from PCO’s Oldest Living Alumna: Dr. Dorothy Lippman

It’s been 83 years since Dorothy (Nemtzow) Lippman, OD ‘36 attended the then Pennsylvania State College of Optometry (which later...

Medal Monday: J. Donald Kratz, OD '37

Dr. Kratz joined the faculty in 1937, rising to Professor of Optometry and Department Chair. During his lifetime, Dr. Kratz unfailingly served the...

Rock Into the New Year: PCO All Stars

Rock into the New Year with one of the greatest hits from the PCO All Stars.

Medal Monday: Robert A. Kraskin, OD ’50

Dr. Robert A. Kraskin was an internationally renowned author, lecturer, and practitioner in the areas of vision development, prevention of visual...

Celebrating a Century: Pennsylvania College of Optometry Turns 100

Salus University maintains a legacy that began 100 years ago in Philadelphia when our founding College, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry...

Throwback Thursday: 75th Flags Raised High

Twenty four years ago this month, marked the 75th year since the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) was chartered by the Commonwealth of...

Alumni Feature: Faith Chabedi, OD, MPH ‘15

Prior to receiving her master’s degree in Public Health from Salus University, Dr. Faith Chabedi was an optometrist with a special interest...

Throwback: The Pupil - Christmas Issue 1943

Check out the College's Christmas Issue of The Pupil from 1943.

Medal Monday: Isador Kaplan, MD

Dr. Isador Kaplan joined the faculty in 1927 and served as Professor of Pathology and Director of the Pathology Department of College Clinics until...

A Woman of Many Skills: Dr. Audrey Smith

Audrey Smith, PhD, CLVT, COMS, professor emeritus, is a well-known staple among the Salus community. It’s not surprising, as her popularity...

Throwback: The Night Before Christmas at The Eye Institute

Check out this poem from The Eye Institute's door decorating contest in 2017 written by Drs. Bisant Labib and Erin Jenewein.

Medal Monday: Harry Kaplan, OD ’49

As a nationally recognized contact lens practitioner, Harry Kaplan, OD’ 49, FAAO advanced optometric education through lecturing, writing,...

Thanking America’s Heroes

The Speech-Language Institute (SLI) of Salus University made a big impact just in time for the holiday season and followed Veterans Day with two...

Who's Who: Lawrence Fitch, OD '36

The Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) owes a great deal of success to Lawrence Fitch, OD ’36. Son of PCO’s founder, Albert Fitch,...

Medal Monday: Robert J. Johnson, Sr., OD ’43

After graduating from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) in 1943, Dr. Robert Johnson served in the Army Medical Group stationed in England...

Flashback Friday: An Optometry Career Is One to Look Into

This article, “An Optometry Career Is One to Look Into”, published in The Philadelphia Inquirer in April 1983 discusses the benefits of...

Throwback Thursday: Holiday Party 2011

Check out this throwback from the University’s holiday party in 2011 with Dr. Tom Lewis and The Eye Institute’s residents.

Medal Monday: A. Michael “Gus” Iatesta, OD ’52

Dr. A. Michael “Gus” Iatesta served on the College Board of Trustees in the 1980s and as chairman from 1986 to 1989.

100 Stories: Irving Bennett, OD ‘44

"There are lots of fond memories. This hilarious one stands out. Ours was the first class to go to PCO during the summer months since WWII was...

Two Cents In: The Salus Coin

They say you take a little piece of your past with you, and when that past involves more than 30 years in the United States Navy, there’s...

Medal Monday: Edward Hueber

A longtime supporter of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), Edward Hueber served on the Board of Trustees from 1981 to 2005 and remained...

Flashback Friday: Cornea & Contact Lens Service

Established in 1988, TEI’s Cornea and Specialty Contact Lens Service was created for patients experiencing a wide variety of complex visual...

Throwback Thursday: Thanksgiving 2014

Check out this throwback from Thanksgiving 2014 when members of the University community delivered meals to local police.

By The Numbers: Community Outreach

When the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) became Salus University, a promise was made to continue to improve the welfare of the public...

Medal Monday: Harvey P. Hanlen, OD ’74

From his time as a student to present day, Dr. Harvey P. Hanlen has been an important part of the optometry profession. After earning his Doctor of...

Q&A: Longest Serving Employees - Mitchell Scheiman, OD ’75

As we approach the Centennial of the University’s founding college, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), it’s an opportune time...

Alumni Feature: Alta Fried, MSOT ‘14

After sustaining a critical injury to her left hand from a motor vehicle accident, Alta Fried, OTS, MSOT ’14 decided to become an...

Medal Monday: Martin Hafter, OD ’49

Dr. Martin Hafter had a successful career that blended his love for engineering and Optometry.

Flashback Friday: Beaver to Offer Degree in Optometry

Arcadia University and Salus have been affiliated since 1986, when they signed an articulation agreement for optometry that remains in effect today.

Who's Who: Dr. Onofrey Rybachok

Dr. Onofrey Rybachok joined the faculty of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) in 1937 and retired in 1978 as professor emeritus. He...

Q&A with Dr. Andrew Meagher

To mark 100 years of Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), we asked four faculty members about their experiences at PCO and what they hope for...

Medal Monday: Alden Norman Haffner, OD '52

Dr. Haffner profoundly affected optometry in not only the state of New York, but the United States as a whole. Dr. Haffner earned his Optometry...

Dr. Irving Bennett - Family First and Last

“Family is not an important thing - it’s everything,” actor Michael J. Fox once said. Irving Bennett, OD ’44 knows this...

Throwback Thursday: Children's Charity Fundraiser

The inaugural Looking Out for Kids (LOFK) charity fundraiser occurred in the fall of 2007. LJ Smith, a former tight end for the Philadelphia...

The Neuro Legacy

Neuro-Ophthalmic Disease is a specialty discipline that studies vision related problems and issues associated with the brain, nerves, and muscles....

100 Stories: Satya Verma, OD ’75

"Realizing that I am currently the longest serving employee at Salus/PCO, I feel obligated to share some of my experiences for this historic...

100 Stories: Michael Gowen, OD ‘87

"My family eye doctor was Harvey Horowitz, OD ’53. He changed my life when he fit me with contact lenses in the summer of 1975....

Medal Monday: Lawrence Gray, OD '72

A PCO faculty member since 1973, Dr. Larry Gray made his academic mark in the area of ocular neurology. When he received the president’s...

The Power of 100 Years: Centennial Kickoff

Tomorrow marks six months until our Centennial Gala on April 27, 2019, which will be held at the Hilton Philadelphia at Penn's Landing –...

Throwback Thursday: Halloween Throughout the Years

Need some costume inspiration? Check out these throwbacks of students celebrating Halloween throughout the years.

Q&A: Longest-Serving Employees - Joel Silbert, OD ’73

As we approach the Centennial of the University’s founding college, the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO), it’s an opportune time...

Medal Monday: Donald M. Gleklen, JD

Mr. Gleklen has brought important insight and leadership to PCO as one of the early non-optometrists to join the Board of Trustees. He has served...

100 Stories: Katharine Funari, OD '18

"Over the last four years, not only did I find a school that provided one of the best optometric educations I could have received, but I was...

A Stumble into the Right Direction: Dr. Thomas Lewis

Some create their career paths, others happen to accidentally fall into their career, but a select few are destined – they just have to...

Hearing Device Technology Through the Years

With expert audiologists and comprehensive technology – the Pennsylvania Ear Institute (PEI) of Salus University is equipped with everything...

Medal Monday: Luis R. Garcia Margarida, OD

Dr. Luis Garcia was a leader in the professional optometric community in Puerto Rico.

A Closer Look: Occupational Therapy at Salus

Salus University’s Occupational Therapy students are integrated into a community of professional graduate students dedicated to become caring...

A Closer Look: Honorary Degrees

PCO, and now Salus, was approved to provide the honorary degrees at commencement or special academic convocations to recognize unusual merit,...

Q & A with Dr. Ruth Shoge

To mark 100 years of Pennsylvania College of Optometry, we asked faculty members about their experiences at PCO and what they hope for the next 100...

Medal Monday: Elmer S. Friedberg, OD

Throughout his professional career, Dr. Elmer S. Friedberg made significant contributions to the field of optometry with a particular emphasis in...

Throwback Thursday: Physician Assistant Week 2014

Check out this throwback with the physician assistant class of 2016 and faculty celebrating National PA Week in 2014. PA week is celebrated every...

The Inaugural Physician Assistant Alumnus of the Year

On October 5, 2016, the Salus University Alumni Association named Gregory F. Ranalli, PA’13 the inaugural Physician Assistant Alumnus of the...

Medal Monday: Lawrence Fitch, OD ’36, FAAO

Dr. Lawrence Fitch, son of PCO founder Albert Fitch, served as the second President of the College from 1960 to 1972.

Just Keep Swimming – The Perseverance of David Brezel, OD ‘44

David Brezel, OD'44, FAAO, was born in Philadelphia in 1919 and was the first in his family to attend college. He attended the Pennsylvania...

Alumni Feature: Rita Chaiken, AuD ’03

It is not uncommon for an audiologist to choose two or perhaps three career paths during their professional lifetime, but many would consider four...

Medal Monday: Albert Fitch, OD

As the founder of the College and first President from 1919 until his death in February of 1960, Dr. Albert Fitch led the fight for optometric...

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