TEI Resident Honored with Low Vision Award
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TEI Resident Honored with Low Vision Award

Christin DeMoss, OD ’17, Low Vision Rehabilitation Resident ’18, at The Eye Institute (TEI) of Salus University, was recently honored with the William Feinbloom Low Vision Award.

As a low vision resident, Dr. DeMoss primarily attends to patients in the William Feinbloom Vision Rehabilitation Centerhoused at TEI. The Feinbloom Center provides specialized vision and rehabilitative services to patients with blindness and low vision.

Dr. Christin DeMossIn her role, Dr. DeMoss works with an interdisciplinary team including certified low vision therapists, optometric interns and social workers to create treatment plans to help patients regain lost skills and meet their visual goals.

The William Feinbloom Low Vision Award was named in honor of Dr. William Feinbloom - a pioneer in the field of vision rehabilitation and the development of low vision devices – who donated his practice to TEI. Sarah D. Appel, OD and the Feinbloom Center staff presented Dr. DeMoss with the award in recognition of her outstanding performance in providing quality care to low vision patients.

“Dr. Feinbloom was an incredible doctor who dedicated his life to the advancement of the low vision field. To be the recipient of an award in honor of him is very meaningful to me,” Dr. DeMoss said. Because of her education and residency training she feels equipped with the resources to continue to provide  patients with the best possible low vision care.

And, for Dr. DeMoss, the patients are what have made her clinical and didactic experiences special. “There was a patient I had who was diagnosed with macular degeneration,” she said. “Her patient described that one of her goals was to be able to play the clarinet and read music, but she had always been told  there was nothing that could be done. “I told her to give us a chance and I’m proud to say that we were able to work together to make a spectacle mounted telescope for her so she could see the sheet music,” Dr. DeMoss said. “It worked perfectly and she was so happy – moments like that are really unforgettable.”