History of the Alumni Association Awards
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History of the Alumni Association Awards


The 2019 Alumni Association Awards will be presented tonight, April 26, 2019, in one ceremony as part of the University’s Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) Centennial Gala weekend.

Each year, the University’s Alumni Association recognizes the professional contributions and achievements of graduates and friends of the institution. Awardees are nominated by alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends of Salus and its individual Colleges.

Each alumni award is presented to an alumnus of Salus University and its Colleges who have distinguished themselves through extraordinary service and contributions to their respective professions, bringing honor and prestige to the University.

a-alum-awards-pic2Leon J. Kolankiewcz, OD ‘26 was the first recipient of the Albert Fitch Memorial Alumnus of the Year Award in 1960. The award was named for the founder of the Pennsylvania State College of Optometry (the institution’s original name). It was established to honor an alumnus of PCO who has distinguished himself/herself through extraordinary service and contributions to the profession of optometry and the College.

It has been awarded a total of 65 times annually. There were only a handful of years when it was given to multiple individuals. In 1974, it was given to

Spencer I. Richmond, OD ‘54, MD and Joseph C. Toland, OD ‘54, MD; in 1976 to Harry Kaplan, OD ‘49 and Arnold Mazer, OD ‘40; in 1982 to the Crozier family legacy - George H. Crozier, OD ‘49, Gilda C. Crozier, OD ‘43, and John J. Crozier, OD ‘48; and in 1992 to Markus I. Barth, OD ‘74, Richard J. Shuster, OD ‘72, and Larry C. Wallis, OD ‘74.

In 1962, PCO added the Distinguished Service Award. This award is presented to a non-alumnus who is closely identified with then PCO and now Salus University and who has provided notable service to the University and their respective profession(s). Not awarded every year, only 33 individuals have been honored to date. The first recipient was Honorable Martin Silver, a member of the Pennsylvania State Senate.

a-alum-awards-pic3Consequently, the Public Service Award was added in 1966 to be presented to a person (or organization), preferably of national standing, who (which) has made a recent significant contribution to then PCO and now Salus University or to their profession. Also not awarded every year, 23 people or organizations have received the Public Service award to date. The first recipient was Luci Baines Johnson (pictured right).

As the founding College, PCO, expanded its programs and established Salus University, additional Alumni Association Awards have been added which include: Audiology Alumnus of the Year Award, Blindness and Low Vision Alumnus of the Year Award, and Physician Assistant Alumnus of the Year Award.

View 2019 Alumni Association Awardees
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